
Bitcoin is a digital asset developed in 2009 by someone under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. This digital asset is like gold, but only available in the digital world. The concept may sound like eGold, although it is actually much different. Bitcoin as a digital asset has the following features: Instant transfer in peer to peer. Peer-to-peer itself means Bitcoin runs without having a central server. The storage servers are decentralized and distributed-shared to the various servers run by each user connected to the network. Transfer to anywhere Unlike gold, Bitcoin can be sent anywhere in seconds, whenever and wherever you want. Shipping with Bitcoin can happen only with a smartphone's capital and internet connection. Transfer fee is very small. Shipping costs can be eliminated until free, but to speed up transactions, your Bitcoin wallet will usually cost you around 500 - 3,000 rupiah, no matter how many bitcoins are shipped.IMG_20180530_180318.jpg

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