What's the Deal With Pour Over Coffee?

There are a bunch of fancy ways to make coffee. As someone who helps run a company that makes coffee in a way people would probably consider fancy, I'm not really in a position to throw too much shade.

But there comes a time when we must look ourselves in the mirror and say, "self, this is some silly nonsense and I ain't got time for it." Pour Over Coffee is one of those things and this is one of those times.

Pour over coffee is pretty simple. You need: ground coffee, a tea pot, paper coffee filter and a pour over coffee maker which, looks kinda like a small flower pot. Put the coffee in the filter and the flower pot over your cup and start pouring. Minutes later, you got a fresh cup of some hot ass coffee. Here's the deal though, it's not actually that easy and I'll let you in on a secret - that's exactly what an electric coffee pots does...

The argument for pour over coffee is that you have input on every phase of the brewing process. As the name implies, you are pouring water over coffee so you have control over the temperature and flow of the water. Theoretically, this is a good thing and in the right time and place, it can be a cool way to make coffee.

But let's face it, at 6:00am or 7:00am or noon or whenever the hell you get out of bed and stumble to the kitchen, you're not really in the mood to get out the tea pot and set-up the coffee erector set. Not to mention, trying not to burn yourself as you pour boiling water while rubbing the sleep our of your eyes. At that point, you're better off loading up a coffee pot the night before and setting the timer so you wake up to hot coffee.

The other bummer is that you can very easily burn your coffee with water that is way too hot and end up making bitter and terrible coffee. This will also increase the acidity of your coffee which is brutal on your teeth and stomach, something that we work hard to combat at Brojo Coffee Co. with our ice water drip set-up.

Of course, we all know the problem with the electric coffee pot. The things are dirty, ugly to look at, a pain in the ass to clean and let's be real, not dope at all. There is nothing fun or cool about a shitty coffee pot that you got from Target for $20 because you have student loans and bills and finally realize you can't afford to hit the coffee shop every morning :(

Here's the answer. Get a six pack of Brojo Coffee and stash it in your fridge or just throw it in the cupboard. It's still rad because it's fancy ice drip coffee and you won't: burn yourself, have to use CLR to clean a coffee pot or sit inline at Starbucks waiting for a coffee milkshake. You can even make hot coffee by pouring half a bottle of brojo in a coffee mug with a little water and then zapping that bitch in the microwave for about a minute.

You might be thinking, "yeah bro, but you just pointed out that I was broke and can't buy shit." We thought of that too homie, so don't stress! Every 10 oz. bottle of Brojo Coffee is only $2.49 and is 2 legit servings for all but the most hardcore of caffeine addicts.

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