Coffee Love~*#COFFEE FAN

Hey Everyone in Steemit!

Firstly thank you for your support and introduction to the community :) ! It definitely boosted my confidence in wanting to share anything and everything with you and see what your feedback is as it is like gold to me :)

So, for this post, I would like to share with you my passion and joy for coffee! Do you love coffee? Please share your passions for coffee after you read this post of course... please.. sersly... THank YoU :)))))

SO! COFfeeee Love

I have so many fond memories of so many occassions, sitting with loved ones having coffee and a good old yarn about nothing and everything in particular but most of all enjoying each others company and enjoying a great cup or mug of coffee. Coffee is a drug yes, so like most drugs coffee needs to be consumed moderately, though if you're a full time worker, your typical coffee serving probably averages at least 3 a day. Coffee is a stimulant, how? you ask... well, the caffeine in coffee acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system and depending on the level of intake, caffeine can help improve mental performance, alertness, attention and concentration!

Wow! so if your feeling how I feel at times, a bit sloth-like.... then brew yourself a hot steamy coffee, and watch how it flushes those tired feelings down the drain!

"tired? here, have one of these.... :)

In fact try this one, its one of my favourites-

Irish coffee ~

you need Irish Whisky, sugar, perculated coffee, full cream (whipped so not runny), one teaspoon and one tablespoon, (have a glass of hot water close by also).

  1. start by putting the amount of sugar you like in your coffee
  2. add whisky just less than say 1/4 cup, stir it in.
  3. add perculated coffee up until 3/4 of the glass and stir
  4. get your teaspoon (make sure its hot) and get a full scoop of the cream on to the tablespoon, flip your teaspoon so that the scoop is facing down towards the coffee and just touch the surface of the coffee and with the full tablespoon - pour the cream on to the teaspoon (this prevents the cream mixing with the coffee creating a separate level effect - appealing for presentation).
  5. Finally topping off with chocolate dusting

ENJOY! and please :) - if you have your own special coffee recipe, please share in the comments below :)
Happy Steeming! and Happy Coffee drinking! :D
~peace xo

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