Throwback coffee latte arts and how life is changing.




Some of the latte arts I done while working at Square 19.

Such a joy working here with amazing team, cool bosses, great manager as a leader and a friend.

Life is changing, things change, people change, everything is changing. Nothing last forever except great friendships and family.

This year will be a great year for us. It is time to grow no turning back keep moving forward no matter what you do keep moving forward.

There is no turning back, no one to push you but yourself, you have yourself, you're the person who motivate yourself to do great things.

Everyday look at the mirror look at yourself, tell yourself what you need to do today? what can you improve? How to do what you wish to do? How long does it take to achieve the things you want? Also keep telling yourself when there is a negative energy get rid of them as soon as possible never give a person with negative or dark energy to dim your light never again you allow it.

Helping people is good but make sure help the right ones if you help the wrong ones they will use it against you. Start fresh, eat better, eat less, drink more water, exercise, stretch, sleep well sleep like a baby, wake up like a beast, be a beast, you have one life, one chance, stop wasting it, no one gonna hold your hands and lift you up and make you do it. In the end it's you who have to do it.

Never forget.

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