Android WebView Tutorial

Do you own a blog or a website and want to turn it into a fully functional Android app? Having an Android app is a plus point as it stays close to the users and they can access your website anytime with just a single tap!

So if you have the same intentions, then there's a tutorial just for you. You will learn how to convert a website into an Android app with just a few lines of code using WebViews concept.

A WebView is basically a container which renders a predefined or user-defined web address. Hybrid apps mostly work on the concepts of WebViews which enable web developers to reuse the website code and target multiple platforms at once. WebViews runs the web technologies on your device and also write the code in those languages to leverage the native components like camera, sensors, etc.

In the tutorial you can learn to create a simple web-based app for our blog using the WebView control and also how you can make it more usable by enabling zoom, navigation, and safe browsing.

You start off with a very basic, poorly formatted style:

And end up with a functional, mobile friendly style:

The tutorial is heavy on the GitHub markdown and is best viewed on the site. The site is also mobile friendly and points to where you can grab the example project if you want to follow along.

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