Progress Report: My Journey Through Coding and Steemit Coding Question

What's up?! Back again here trying to make this blogging thing into a habit. I'm on my third day, hopefully, I can make this streak last for more than a week. Haha!

Anyways, I would like to give an update on how I am doing in learning how to code. I started learning this in the last week of February when I stumbled upon Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.

I didn't know anything about money and how one can get a lot of it, except through working or being handed to you by your family through some inheritance. Learning about cryptoes intrigued me because the current financial system has already been established and here is a new way for someone to accumulate wealth through technology. I thought that it would then be necessary for anyone who is interested in it to at least have some basic knowledge of coding, especially if you would want to get into Blockchain Engineering.

When I was younger, I thought to myself, "I should have learned how the financial system worked or learned more how to make and use money..." So, when Bitcoin popped up and slapped me in the face, I realized I should learn more about. So I bought Andreas M. Antonopoulos' book Mastering Bitcoin.

As you might have guessed, I was only able to grasp the general idea, like the first few chapters of the book, and the rest of it went waaaay over my head. So I decided, if I want to learn more about this new financial system, I should teach myself how to code.

Photo by Charles Deluvio

And here we are. After a couple of months, I've enrolled myself in some courses in hopes of learning how to code. I started out with Blockchain Engineering, but as I go through it, I realized that I needed to learn some JavaScript before I can proceed with it. So I enrolled in a Java class.

Yeah, I know. It is not the same thing as JavaScript. I should have read the course title a little bit better. Haha! As much as I wanted to finish that, since the instructor was pretty engaging, I had to get into a class that teaches JavaScript. These are all online by the way.

Yeah, I know. There are also a lot of free online classes that teach you these things, but what can I do, I wasn't aware of them at that time. Plus, I needed a lot more structure. As I search the web of people who have taught themselves how to code, it came to me that I could have followed what they did and use their system. But alas, I'm here already. The good thing is these classes on Udemy aren't that expensive.

Right now, I'm also thinking about starting on the CS50 class at HarvardX. It is an online class in, which can also get you a certificate of completion for $90, as well as college credit if you needed it. I heard some great reviews about it and I might give it a shot since I've decided I'm in this for the long haul. It is a fundamentals class that will teach you how to code in whatever language interests you. I will let you know how that will go once I started. I'll have to finish my current course first, Web Development Bootcamp by Colt Steele on Udemy.

Once I'm done exhausting all the free courses online, like FreeCodeCamp, TheOdinProject, and CodeAcademy, I plan on enrolling in LaunchSchool. I just dig their Mastery-Based Learning Pedagogy and I know that to be an expert in a given field, one has to learn from someone that has deep knowledge and familiarity with the topic, as well as the ability to teach such skills.

So, last night, I was going through exercises on Array iteration and it turned my brain into mush. Somehow, I am not able to finish the exercises and see the results that were expected from the lesson. I don't know if I have a problem with logical thinking or I just can't put into code what I wanted to happen.

Since Array iteration would require some grasp of the logic behind loops, I need to bolster that skill and practice some more of it.

While we are on the topic of coding, I know there are a lot of devs here that work on the Steemit platform.

I wonder what kind of skills I need to learn for me to be able to contribute in that area?

So, if anyone is so kind in pointing it out to me in the comment section, it would be greatly appreciated.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow!


In the mean time, check out my other posts here:

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