Coding Diary Entry #1 - Fear and Doubts in Javascript World

Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

The First Entry

This is the first entry to my coding diary, this is the place where I share my thoughts, feelings, ideas, things I love and things I don't like about my journey into becoming a programmer.

Fear and Doubts...Can I Even Read?

I've been coding in Javascript for almost 3 weeks now. I've went over loops, variables, arrays, objects, the DOM and many exercises where I've coded along with the instructor to do simple little projects.

Here I was this weekend working on a simple RGB color guessing game. I shadowed the instructor and halfway through I realize that I didn't really understand the code that I was writing. I stopped the videos and try redoing everything that I've done so far but without shadowing the instructor.

Only after 5 hours and a few peeking into the solution document that I was able to get it to work...but still...while I am reading the code this morning, I'm still not sure that I understand what's going on in the javascript file and unsure I could do it again without any solution document.

Here is the codepen of what I built...I tried to take it apart with notes but it doesn't seem enough at this point.

Can I even read code?

That is the question that I am asking myself...

It's easy to code when I copy someone else on a screen but am I truly understanding what I am being taught? Should I move along and hope that things get clearer for me in the future modules or should I redo the exercise again and again until I can write it without looking into the solution document?

I'm tempted to do the later and just code until I get it before jumping into JQuery.


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