Why CodeIgniter PHP Framework Is Preferred For Creating Websites And Web Applications

CodeIgniter Framework is more famous and better PHP framework than any other framework, it is the first choice for numerous skillful web developers and programmers. Top reasons why should i prefer CodeIgniter over other PHP frameworks for creating websites and web applications are given below.

Reasons Why CodeIgniter Framework Is Better Than Other Frameworks: Codeigniter is mature: CodeIgniter is actually one of the oldest and most trusted frameworks for PHP, a feature that makes it the best choice for web dedicated developers.

CodeIgniter Implementation Time: Implementation time is the first and foremost significant thing which attract each and every developers towards CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter PHP framework responds very quickly.

Excellent documentation, huge support & a large community of developers: CodeIgniter provides a detailed documentation for Developers including classes, libraries, APIs, and sample cases about how to get started. Similarly, its maturity welcomes new developers with experienced developers and a huge community of full support.

CodeIgniter Configuration: Codeigniter MVC Framework has a very simple configuration, you first need to install the framework according to your system configuration in the config.php library at the time of programming, database, and open all those rows and save it. You can do independent applications of MVC using the system chain, together with small or rather special applications.

Simple, attractive and user-friendly interface: The easiest interface to use CodeIgniters helps developers understand their code, without any unnecessary problem or typically found in other frameworks, so CodeIgniter has been the favorite selection of beginners.

CodeIgniter Security And Encryption: Everyone needs a free and secure free hack site. Their site must be protected from CSRF / XSRF attacks and SQL engines. Using the framework can be achieved using the site's security classes and libraries. Some of the most libraries in the codeIgniter have these security issues done in the most minimal and easy steps.

CodeIgniter File uploading & other classes: File sharing includes some of the most real-world applications in today's world, and its file uploading Class CodeIgniter leaves the framework behind other developing applications. With ftp, compression, cart and other classes, you can easily use the performance interfaces.

Lesser Code And Faster Development: PHP is called rapid development framework. You have to write less code, which means less time for typing. For every new project you do not have to throw 3rd party libraries at all times because most of them come with default configuration The above information given reasons helps you to get clear information about preferring CodeIgniter than other PHP frameworks. 

Database Integration:  CodeIgniter provides relevant databases by default with MySQL or PostgreSQL. However, CodeIgniter does not come with a composer in nature, so third party libraries like Mongo have to copy and copy the files that you test yourself. CodeIgniter database support is limited. The same database tools are not available as Laravel. However, CodeIgniter comes with its own ORM tool.  

Also you can Hire CodeIgniter Dedicated Developer for developing your websites.

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