orrait' giphy channel and game dev log...

You know this image, I designed a long ago... but thanks to the insistence of @stellabelle I made a giphy channel and played a little with it. Ok she didn't tell me directly but she is making gifs all the time that made me want to, too. and LOL.

It is so fun, if you want to try check: https://giphy.com and if you don't have any idea how to make your own crazy gif, check latest stella's post about banana program, she made a video there: https://steemit.com/partiko/@stellabelle/week-5-banana-program-create-your-own-gif-with-free-giphy-app-yxh7odc7
You can even join the program for this week and get upvote or so.

About the game

I coded a little yesterday and got 3 counters working:

So if the buttons are clicked (or taped) the counter of duels increases everytime, and the points only increase depending of which was clicked.

If I don't make sense try it here: https://wearecodex.com/games/duel/

The problem

Is that this game will only be available for touch devices, sorry pc users :( I am thinking on an alternative for pc's tho... but it will be different. Anyways I have to finish this one first and I should be coding nawz!


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