Cobinhood - ICO Services With A Difference


In the last article, we were introduced to Cobinhood and took a brief tour of its different sections and services. In this article we will look at Cobinhood's ICO Service.

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First, a brief recap.

Cobinhood is an advanced digital currency exchange that promises zero trading fees. They charge for services that they provide to big companies and ICOs. The funds are then used for the upkeep and maintenance of their high-performance platform allowing traders to trade for free. Cobinhood offers a plethora of services ranging from ICO services to Margin Trading(possible due to no fees), Instant Listing and even free token airdrops.



Cobinhood offers a comprehensive end-to-end ICO launch service. What this means is that Cobinhood will guide and assist you in everything from reviewing your platform for integrity and scalability, reviewing whitepaper and business model, legal compliance, adverts, setting up online presence and community, security, listing, liquidity, trading and everything else needed for your project to succeed.

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Cobinhood allows the customer to select what services they would like concerning the promotion of their ICO. Customers can get Cobinhood services in just 3 simple steps.

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Cobinhood has a well defined 4 stage program to help launch ICOs from scratch, or from whatever stage the developers have been able to get to before seeking their services.

Let's look at Cobinhood's methodology


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Legal Entity Setup - First you can establish jurisdiction of your ICO. That is, what countries you want to partake or which countries you want to restrict.

Business Model Optimization - Cobinhood then helps with the business model. Customers also decide if they want to have a security token or utility token. All these will be incorporated in the Token Smart Contract.

Advisor/Partner Introduction - Customers will then be helped to define and describe their team members, advisers, sponsors and partners. This enhances transparency and puts faces to the company for better public relations.

Core Material Advisory - Cobinhood will help to review and reform the project whitepaper ensuring that it is totally comprehensive and adequately contains all relevant information that prospective investors would be interested in. The whitepaper will also be translated into all the major languages of the demographic region that the customer intends to reach or appeal to. These normally include English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Italian and Chinese. Informative videos and audio adverts will also be produced.

Private Placement - project owners planning to launch their ICO can decide on what types of promos they would like to give investors(perhaps discounts based on time period - early birds get bigger bonuses) and the different ranking of investors(most likely based on amount invested).


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Growth Hacking - Cobinhood helps you plan for your intended target demographic equipping you with tools to penetrate the desired market.

Community and Bounty Campaign - Cobinhood trains your team and employed staff about how to be capable moderators for your social media channels (especially telegram) in order to welcome potential investors, coordinate and easily collate results from bounty and airdrop events.

ICO Marketing - Cobinhood helps to plan the proliferation of awareness of your project online. Similar projects are also identified and your unique features are brought to light in order to market your project as the better product.

PR Management - Professional and creative presentation is developed to woo investors.

Influencer Strategy - Key Opinion leaders and influencers are introduced to the product and project representatives are drilled to pass AMA(Ask Me Anything) sessions in order to satisfy curious investors with correct and appropriate answers.

Roadshow Exposure - Cobinhood helps to plan and secure opportunities for physical awareness events such as blockchain seminars and conference presentations.


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KYC/AML Procedures - Cobinhood is regulation compliant. KYC(Know Your Customer) and AML(Anti Money Laundering) procedures will be undertaken. Users/traders will be required to verify their identities on the platform. This is to prevent Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) or wanted criminals (e.g. drug lords, terrorists) from using the platform to wash or move dirty money.

ID as a Service - Cobinhood will use its platform as a launchpad for your ICO, directly advertising to its over 100,000 users.

ICO Dashboard - Cobinhood will provide a custom ICO dashboard from which project owners can follow and review the real-time performance of their ICO.

Smart Contract Audit - Cobinhood will review the project's smart contract for coding errors or vulnerabilities to ensure that the project doesn't get hacked or sabotaged.

Multi-Sig Wallet Management - No one person can control a smart contract wallet. That is a very unsafe practice. Most projects use multi-signature wallets giving access credentials to a trusted few with a majority amount of valid signatures required to authorize a transaction(e.g. 6/9). Cobinhood will train project teams on multi-signature wallet security and management practices.


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Ensure Liquidity - Liquidity is very important for cryptocurrency. If people can't purchase your token then who will use it? Cobinhood guarantees listing of their clients tokens as soon as the ICO has ended. This allows the token to be easily traded and promotes circulation.

Robust Exchange Infrastructure - Cobinhoods super-powerful Matching Engine and its advanced platform provide a suitable and secure environment for the trade of Clients tokens without worry of hack or glitches.

Brand Awareness Boost - Cobinhood will setup and run various awareness campaigns such as airdrops to stimulate market interest in the clients tokens.

Trading Volume Boosts - Cobinhood encourages customer/investor interest and trading activity involving the clients tokens. This is achieved by offering incentives(frequently financial) based on trade frequency or volume of the clients tokens.

Diversified Trader Base - Cobinhood markets its clients token using analytics and focuses on areas of heavy activity. Cobinhood also runs its campaigns based on geographic wealth assessment. The current model is 25% North America, 25% Europe, 25% Asia, 25% Rest of the World.

As we can see Cobinhood covers all bases ensuring that the client is well prepared and every ICO is a resounding success. Cobinhood also receives part of its payment in the project token so they have a vested interest in the success of the ICO. Cobinhood has already conducted successful ICOs for projects such as Zeus, SimplyBrand, SocialMedia.Market, HOQU (HQX), Universa (UTNP), SyncFab (MFG), Achain (ACT) and Playcoin (PLY).

Are you a project owner or part of a team working on the next big thing? Use Cobinhood for a guaranteed explosive entry into the crypto space!


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For more information about Cobinhood you can visit the Cobinhood Website

Take a look at Cobinhood Products & Service

Cobinhood Margin Trading

Cobinhood Instant Listing

You can see the Cobinhood Team

Reach Cobinhood on Social Media

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DISCLAIMER: The information contained within this post shall not be taken as financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and none of your investing should be carried out based on any information presented here. You can lose all of your money by not investing wisely. The above information is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Kindly Endeavor to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Image Credits - All images were derived from the Cobinhood website.

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