Cobinhood is the world's number one cryptocurrency exchange

Trading cryptocurrency isn’t quite a challenge for most of us since we understand how to dive in and out of most market conditions that we may be faced with. However, one major issue that has confounded even the most experienced traders is handling extreme transaction charges.

If you trade often like me, I’m sure you can relate to this and will understand the impact that transaction charges can have on your trades, especially if you trade in large volumes. What we are looking at here also has a way of keeping potential investors out of this market since most of them can’t cope with such charges in the face an unbearable market conditions. On most exchanges, you practically pay for every move you make; some even go as far as charging you on all leveraged positions. How would you cope as a trader of after making a $5 profit you make, you would have to spend about 2/3 or ½ of it just to take profit.

I am sure that you are reading this post out of curiosity because you’re fed up of being robbed in the name of transaction charges. If you are not tired of such situation, I bet you have enough funds to bear with it and this article is probably not meant for you. So, if you are that guy who is tired of losing money in the form of transaction charges, then kindly walk with me as I introduce you to Cobinhood. Does that ring a bell? Oh! That’s Robinhood, not Cobinhood however, the mission is almost the same; steal from the rich to help the poor.

With Cobinhood, you can literally pay zero fees on all transaction. Yeah! That’s right; you can trade on this world-class exchange without paying any fees at all. The only time you pay a fee on Cobinhood is while withdrawing funds from the exchange. However, you would be given some discount if you are a holder of their native currency – the Cobinhood toke (COB).

Apart from being a zero fee cryptocurrency exchange, Cobinhood also offers some other amazing services not just to traders but to founders of emerging cryptocurrency projects. Such services include the ICO underwriting services. Here the Cobinhood team vets each and every ICO and review thoroughly the proof-of-concept and the overall whitepaper to perfect it. This is to make sure that every ICO’s listed on Cobinhood is worth investing in.

Cobinhood also supports the deposit and trading of fiat currencies just in case you prefer trading in currencies more familiar to you all you need is check whether the currency of your choice is listed on Cobinhood.

This is a lot to gain from a single exchange and guess what? There’s a lot more to enjoy on Cobinhood. The bottom line of the whole thing is that you get to save more money trading on Cobinhood and this is the dream of every trader I believe.

Watch the video I made for this instead;

I invite you to visit the Cobinhood website and start enjoying massive benefits that are available for you on a user-friendly and decentralized cryptocurrency exchange with seamless fiat integration. Thank you for reading. Make sure to watch the video embedded in the article. This is Bait and I am bringing you words from the Offline Minnow School.

To know more about Cobinhood, kindly follow the links below;
Project Website:
Products & Services:
1, 2, 3,and 4.
Cobinhood Team:
Cobinhood Story:

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