The past legendary----legend of mir 传奇陨落

Legend of mir is a most popular MMORPG which has dominated in Chinese online game market for over 15 years. Back to 2003 and 2004, if u entered any internet cafe in China, u cant find any people play other games besides this and CS. so the game was incredibly popular. People even wanna pay for the time that spent for waiting to get into the servers. sometimes it even took hours to get in. I still remembered that how I was addicted on this game when I was in primary school. That was the first online game I played, and I soon addicted and impressed by it. Playing on the server to interact with other people brings more attraction than playing the normal computer games. I remembered clearly that I cant really afford fees in internet cafe with very expensive rate 3rmb (0.25$) /hour at that time. every time I went to cafe played by single hour, sometimes I even spent a whole hour to wait for getting into the server. I ended up with 31 lvls wizard cuz my account was hacked and lost. I recently start to played it again , fortunately the server is still running.
at the time I m writing, I ve already hit the lvl 33 with warrior.

传奇毋庸置疑,是中国网游的奇迹。 在那个上网还都算奢侈的时代,创造了25万人同时在线的传奇业绩。想当年我还是一个上小学的孩童,用着所有的零花钱去玩传奇。在03-04年,上网真的是一件极其奢侈的事,当时的网费 我记得对于我一个小学生来说,简直是天价了 现在看来都是很贵的。3元/小时。而且网络效果也不好,更可怕的事当时 风靡全国的传奇,服务器一般都是过载的状态。 人比怪多。比奇城出去打个鹿 都打不着。每次去网吧只能一个小时一个小时的玩,不知玩了多久 我和朋友share 一个账号 然后法师练到了31级。当时小学生 真的是沉迷传奇了,哈哈哈 为了能多打一个小时传奇 寝食难安。我记得当时31级的我,在全区也算是相当牛逼的装备。血饮剑 可惜最后的号丢了 伤透心,也就没再玩了。 前段时间,心血来潮 又下回来传奇,结果发现 有点卡区。也是花点卡玩的。估计是专门为了像我这样的老学校,找情怀专门弄的这个区。感觉游戏的人气是凉了。。。十几年传奇变成了夕阳游戏咯 但是当年的热情都还在。14年的物是人非,还有一款游戏 可以让我们怀旧 真的不易!图是我重新创建的战士 已经33级。就是因为当年玩法师被战士砍着跑 这次玩个战士。时隔14年,终于有空可以好好把小学没完成的传奇梦给圆了!!

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