My mother told me to go home and eat dumplings, Happy Winter Solstice 我妈叫我回家吃汤圆啦,冬至快乐



冬至(Winter Solstice)又名‘一阳生’,是中国农历中一个重要的节气 也是中华民族的一个传统节日,冬至俗称“数九、冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等,汉代以冬至为“冬节”,官府要举行祝贺仪式称为“贺冬”,官方例行放假。官场流行互贺的“拜冬”礼俗,唐、宋时期,冬至是祭天祀祖的日子。皇帝在这天要到郊外举行祭天大典,百姓在这一天要向父母尊长祭拜,明、清两代,皇帝均有祭天大典谓之“冬至郊天”。宫内有百官向皇帝呈递贺表的仪式,而且还要互相投刺祝贺,就像元旦一样而今只有潮汕、浙江部分地区仍延续祭祖旧习。



My mother told me to go home and eat dumplings, Happy Winter Solstice

Today is China's important traditional festival - the winter solstice, mother is very happy to give me a call last night, I must go home to eat dumplings, those all make by herself, but today need to test these two days, in the distance I only can listen to the mother's sigh, but also helpless, in such an important holiday, but I was in the distance can't be with the mother's festival. ‘On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one’s dear far away" feeling arises spontaneously.

Winter Solstice (Winter Solstice), also known as "the sun", is an important solar term in Chinese lunar calendar is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, the Winter Solstice commonly known as "a bitter, holiday", "long to festival", "age", etc, the han dynasty in the Winter Solstice, for "yesterday", the rulers to congratulate ceremony known as "He Dong", the official holiday routine. The celebration of the "worship of winter" in officialdom, the tang and song dynasties, the winter solstice is the day to worship the ancestors. On this day, the emperor will go to the outskirts of the city to worship the day, and the people will worship the elders, Ming and qing dynasties, and the emperors will worship the "winter solstice day". In the palace, hundreds of officials presented congratulations to the emperor, and they also congratulated each other. Just like New Year's day, only chaoshan and parts of zhejiang continued to worship the old ones.

Different places have different food on the winter solstice. Dumplings in the north and dumplings in the south
But today I can only watch my lovely mother send me a photo of the soup to solve the problem
whatever,I wish everyone have a happy winter



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