如果有一天你成了《驴得水》中的周铁男/Whether you will become the Zhou Tienan in<<Mr. Donkey>>

国庆假期的最后一天,一个人在家里吃饭无聊打发时间从网上看了《驴得水》,本来是想能够愉快的吃饭,没想到越看这部 喜剧 越觉得沉重。上网看了一下影评,才发觉原来这电影这么的耐看。/The last day of the National Day holiday, a person at home to eat bored to pass the time from the Internet saw the <<Mr. Donkey>>, would have wanted to be able to eat happy, did not expect to see more of this ** comedy ** more heavy. Surf the Internet looked at the film critics, only to find the original film so intimacy.

这部影片是由斯立文化、开心麻花、猫眼文化、影行天下联合出品,周申、刘露联合执导,开心麻花第二部电影,于2016年10月28日上映,据悉,该影片主要是讲诉民国期间某乡村,校长将驴虚报成老师“领空饷”为学校挑水,教育部特派员突击检查,情急之下校长让一个铜匠冒充,不料特派员对“吕得水”老师相当欣赏,决定将他塑造为乡村教育家以获取国外捐款,为了大局,校长决定一错再错的搞笑故事。 /This film is produced by the Sri Lanka culture, happy twist, cat's eye culture, film world co-produced, Zhou Shen, Liu Lu joint director, happy twist second film, released on October 28, 2016, it is learned that the film is mainly Speaking of a country during the Republic of China, the head of the donkey false into a teacher "collar fees" for the school to carry water, the Ministry of Education Commissioner surprise inspection, in desperation under the principal to a copper co-workers posing, but the Commissioner of "Lvshi water" Decided to shape him as a rural educator to obtain foreign contributions, in order to the overall situation, the principal decided to mistake the funny story.


剧中人物性格鲜明,但是看完之后我对于自然老师周铁男的形象久久不能忘怀。/The character of the characters is clear, but after reading the image of the natural teacher Zhou Tie Nan for a long time can not forget.


关于铁男,大碴子味儿口音和痞子样凸显年少轻狂不屑一切,在权利者的一颗子弹擦脸而过后完全颠覆和扭转,鼻涕眼泪横流,颤抖的抱住伪军的胶皮鞋连续磕了十几个响头并连连许诺再也不敢了。这一枪虽然没有直接打死他,但是那个年少的周铁男已经彻彻底底的死去了。在厨房里伪军想要强奸张一曼的时候,赵铁男的吓得赶紧跑到了一边。/On the young men, big ballast taste and ruffian-like highlights young and frivolous disdain everything, in the right of a bullet to wipe the face and completely subvert and reverse, tears of tears, tears clinging to the puppet's rubber shoes continuous knock A dozen ring and repeatedly promised no longer dare not. Although this gun did not directly kill him, but that young Zhou Tienan has been completely dead. In the kitchen where the puppet troops want to rape Zhang Yiman, Zhao Tienan scared quickly ran to the side.

后来他劝准备去揭发的孙佳时情绪激动的呐喊着“你知道子弹从脸上飞过去是什么感觉吗?我以前不比你横吗,佳佳,有用吗?我告诉你,当你被人拿枪指着头的时候,你就知道该怎么做人了。”意思就是“你还是太年轻了,别折腾了没用的”,这话是对自己心爱的女人的保护,更是对曾经血性方刚的自己说的。而最讽刺的是,最后孙佳要被迫嫁铜匠,他只能落寞蹲在门口,对联上赫然写着“学做人”。/Later, he advised to prepare to expose Sun Jia when the excitement of the shouting "Do you know how the bullet from flying over his face feeling? I used to be better than you, okay, useful? I tell you when you were gun Pointing to the head, you know how to be a man. "Means" you are still too young, do not toss the useless ", this is the protection of their beloved woman, but also to have bloody side just Say it yourself. The most ironic is that the last Sun Jia to be forced to marry coppersmith, he can only lonely squatting at the door, couplet impressively said, "learn to be a man."



在看到周铁男跪倒在伪军脚下连喊“再也不敢了再也不敢了……”的时候,我心里是鄙视他的,一个血气方刚的汉子怎么好意思这样屈服于当权者?但是转念一下,换做是我的话我会怎么做?如果我是周铁男,我会怎么做?一个普普通通的老百姓真的能够在忍受了子弹从耳边擦过之后再鼓起勇气对敌人说No么?真的能够挺起胸膛维护自己的尊严、爱情吗?那应该会很难,相当难!/In the see Zhao Tiegou kneel at the foot of the puppet troops even shouting "no longer dare not no longer ... ...", my heart is despised him, a furious man how to pretend to succumb to those in power? But then read about, for my words I would do what? If i am zhou tian man, what would i do? An ordinary people really able to endure the bullet from the ear after wiping the courage to say no to the enemy No? Can really stand up to maintain their own dignity, love it? It should be very difficult!

我突然想到,网上一些恶搞视频。一对情侣在逛街,有一个人对那个男生说:“我给你一万块钱,你把女朋友让给我!”此时的男生还相当的有骨气,坚决的说NO,那人将价码抬高到10万、20万,男生的底线瞬间崩塌!类似的故事有很多,不都是周铁男的形象延伸吗?/I suddenly thought that some online spoof video. A couple in the shopping, there is a man said to the boy: "I give you ten thousand dollars, you give my girlfriend!" At this time the boys are quite skeptical, firmly say NO, that person will price Raised to 10 million, 20 million, the boys bottom line instant collapse! Similar to the story there are many, not all the image of Zhou Tienan extension?


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