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The Return of the Spectacular Annual LFCC - Part 1 / 伦敦电影动漫展(上集)

The Perfect Place For The Ultimate Nerd-Out Ever
Attending the LLFC is fast becoming an annual tradition with me and this year’s 2017 event proved no exception. Hosting a dizzying line-up of stars and comic book geniuses, it was something I had looked forward to from months ago.

It was always my intention to promote Steemit by donning the familiar white t-shirt with the logo emblazoned on the front. However, I’d like to mention that I preferred @stephenkendal’s unique design aesthetics to the one I already had so decided to buy another directly from him a week earlier. I like to personally thank him for that and everything he is working so hard for concerning the Steemit platform and our great community in general.

This year’s London Film and Comic Con was held at the spacious Kensington Olympia that has served as the perfect venue so far, for a show of this magnitude. You may as well now call it the “home” of the LFCC. The event ran from 28th to 30th July and was spread across two sprawling floors. You could opt to buy tickets online for either a 9am arrival slot (which I ended up going for) or the slightly later 11am admission.



Thousands of people were already inside the venue when I arrived, as you can see from the photos. The various sections were divided up in into specific categories according to what you were looking for. So, for instance, the celebrities were placed in one part of the hall, the comic artists in another and so on and so forth. However navigation around the different stalls and sections was relatively easy enough as you also had helpful staff situated at certain locations.



(A snapshot of the familiar arched interior dome.)


(These convenient poster maps were sporadically dotted about the place.)
The sellers were out in their droves, displaying various specialist merchandise such as rare comic books, printed garments and clothing accessories and scaled down miniature plastic models in addition to many others. The ambient energy levels within the venue were turned up to 11 as hordes of hardcore fans enjoyed themselves to the fullest. It was plain to see how scarce some of the items being exhibited were as many of these collectables were either very limited editions or exclusively on sale at the show itself.

(The 1960's classic Batmobile)
(The infamous Daleks from "Doctor Who")








The LFCC Celebs
The stars were out in force as they included some of biggest names from Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead as well as many others. Though it must be said that through the rush of the crowd, it was difficult to get many good photos with them.

Benedict Cumberbatch:
(Yes... That's me... Standing with Doctor Strange... Wearing a Steemit t-shirt, lol! When this platform goes to the moon, we might well look back on photographic memorabilia like this with fond memories.)

Andrew Robinson:
(Famous for playing "Scorpio" in the original Dirty Harry movie, Kirsty's father in the horror classic "Hellraiser" as well as a whole catalogue of other such movies and television shows.)


Sarah Douglas (left):
(This lady was one of the original members of General Zod's" trio of terror from the classic "Superman II" released in 1980. She still looks great to this very day.)

Pilou Ashaek (right):
(The vicious and tyrannical uncle of house Greyjoy in the spectacular hit series "Game of Thrones". You wouldn't believe it when you meet him in real life. He's such a friendly and chatty guy.)


Gemma Whelan:
(Theon's ruthless yet brave sister in "Game of Thrones". A real pleasure to talk to and a lovely personality to boot.)


Sylvester McCoy:
(Famed for his role as "Doctor Who" from 1987 to 1989. He was the seventh character iteration of this much-beloved television series and drew in countless fans from around the country to see him at the event.)


WWF's Demolition (Tag Team Wrestlers):
(This was more of a blast from the past for my husband as he used to watch wrestling as a young boy. From what I saw, they appeared very friendly and nothing like what I was shown of their antics in the past.)


The Artists Behind The Movie Magic
As I made my way around the hall, I found myself memorised by the talented showpieces of the famous comic artists in attendance. I will cover a few more of these amazing gentleman I had the privilege of meeting in the next part. But for now, here are a few select legends of the hand-drawn arena. In fact, the very same people responsible for creating some of your favourite superheroes and television characters that have now been transitioned to the small and big screen.


Marv Wolfman:
(This incredibly genuine and approachable guy was the creator of Arrow's arch-rival Deathstroke. His earlier work includes the creation of the successful comic series, DC's The New Teen Titans. And later led to him penning the comic book saga "Crisis on Infinite Earths" widely considered as one of the one-time great works of the comic book world.)




William Simpson:
(This unbelievably nice guy was an absolutely joy to chat with. He impressed me to the core reeling off his fantastic embodiment of work. Check out some of his magnificent artwork. He has been involved with the story writing and illustrations for such comic legends like Batman, Judge Dredd and John Constantine to name but a few. But one of his crowning achievements must be the fact that he played a huge part in designing the concept templates for Daenerys's dragons in "Game of Thrones" as well as the direwolves and three-eyed raven. A stunning resume I'm sure you'd agree.)

This year's LFCC was shaping up to be just as grand as all the one's preceding it and there was still so much to see and do. Look out for the final part of my trip to this incredible event coming soon.

Steem on!
参加一年一度的伦敦电影动漫展 (已成为我们家的传统,今年也不例外。几个月前我就等待着这个年度大聚会,期望与电影明星和漫画天才们互动,呵呵。

我常常热衷于穿上熟悉的白色Steemit 恤衫参加各种活动,来推广Steemit平台。我想特别提到的是,我很喜欢@ stephenkendal独特设计的Steemit 恤衫,所以在他那里买了一件。在这里我想感谢Stephen为Steemit平台和我们社区所做的一切。

今年的伦敦电影动漫节(简称为LFCC)在Kensington区的 Olympia,于七月二十八日至三十日举行,分布于两层楼。大家可以在网上订购门票,分为上午9时或11时进场的门票。

我周日早上9点半到达会场时,已有数以千计的人在场内。看看下图就知道里面有多热闹,呵呵。会场按类别分成好几部分,例如,明星们被安排在大厅二楼的一角,而漫画艺术家在另一侧。展馆里到处都有清晰的指示牌, 还有众多工作人员和志愿者可以咨询,所以在整个会场还是蛮有秩序的。

场内卖家们纷纷展出各类电影及动漫商品,比如旧版漫画书,动漫恤衫,精致模型等, 而且其中一部分还是限量版的,非常有收藏价值,难怪漫迷们都异常兴奋!

这次电影动漫展邀请了很多明星嘉宾,其中包括时下热播电影与动漫的角色人物扮演,如“权利的游戏”,“星球大战”, “神秘博士”及“行尸走肉”等。由于会场人数众多,要与明星互动,合影签名非常具有挑战性。

Benedict Cumberbatch


Andrew Robinson

以经典剧“Dirty Harry”闻名。

Sarah Douglas (左)


Pilou Ashaek(右)


Gemma Whelan


Sylvester McCoy

在1987年至1989年以出演“Doctor Who”而出名,吸引了来自世界各地的无数粉丝。

WWF's Demolition



在二楼的明星大厅旁边,有很多杰出 的漫画艺术家给我留下了深刻的印象。他们都非常有天赋,在很多我们喜欢的电影角色背后做出了大量的设计创作工作。

Marv Wolfman

见到这么平易近人的作者本人,很难想象他就是“绿箭侠”的死对头“Deathstroke”的创作者。他 的早期工作开始于创建“The New Teen Titans ”,他的另一个作品“Crisis on Infinite Earths”被公认为是漫画世界的最杰出作品之一。

Will Simpson

Will非常平易近人,我们聊了好一会儿。他早期参与过“蝙蝠侠”,“特警判官”和 “驱魔神探”等的故事撰写。但他最为人知的成就是在“权利的游戏” 里设计Daenerys的龙,狼和三眼乌鸦。他的作品给我留下了非常深刻的印象!


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