%include "exception.i"
%exception std::vector::getitem {
try {
} catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
可以自定义(仅仅在有catch或throw情况下有用)throws="java.io.IOException" 是在Java中抛出异常。
%typemap(throws, throws="java.io.IOException") std::out_of_range {
// custom exception handler
int foo(int x) throw(std::out_of_range);
$action The actual operation to be performed (a function call, method invocation, variable access, etc.)
$name The C/C++ symbol name for the function.
$symname The symbol name used internally by SWIG
$overname The extra mangling used in the symbol name for overloaded method. Expands to nothing if the wrapped method is not overloaded.
$wrapname The language specific wrapper name (usually a C function name exported from the shared object/dll)
$decl The fully qualified C/C++ declaration of the method being wrapped without the return type
$fulldecl The fully qualified C/C++ declaration of the method being wrapped including the return type
$parentclassname The parent class name (if any) for a method.
$parentclasssymname The target language parent class name (if any) for a method.