How To Increase Your Posts Popularity Part 2? 如何让你的文章更受欢迎 下?

如何让你的文章更受欢迎 上?






  如果可能的话,多些推广你的文章。我留意到,我们国人的思维,不同于很多在国外留学过的朋友,有时候写完文章后,不说话也不宣传,我不知道是否是长期以来受教育的影响如“是金子总是会发亮”,但我个人的建议是,如果你觉得你的文章好,更应该多些推广和宣传。我的文章的评论区里经常也会有人留言,大意是 请帮我投票点赞等,我想说的是,这种简单粗暴不动脑筋的宣传方式虽然人人都会,但却是最不可取的方法。而且会让有些人很反感甚至产生排斥。


     很多人刚开始以为点赞会消耗你的账户金额,其实这根本是多虑了,点赞只是消耗你Voting Power能量而已,而VP能量每天都会根据一定比例自动恢复,大约每天恢复总能量的20%(点击这里进入后输入你的账户名可以查看你个人的VP能量),因此请不要吝啬你的点赞,大胆和大方地去帮助他人点赞吧!

  另外,建议你多参与些社区的活动,比如中文社区里前段时间举办的《七夕情人节Steemit中文社区文学群爱情征文大赛 Qixi Chinese Valentine's Day Steemit Chinese Literature Group Romance Writing Contest》,以及我们即将开启的“月旦评”新活动《新活动,新起点-中文社区“月旦评”活动开始筹备》,多参与社区里的活动,多些互动,多些同其它人的交流,至少跟大家混个脸熟,相信我,多些社交活动,一定会让你在社区里更加受大家欢迎。

How To Increase Your Posts Popularity Part 1? 

2.  Improve the content of your posts.

Yes, improving your content is very crucial, absolutely, without a doubt. 

Before writing your article, you have to consider this- who are you writing it for? Who are willing to read your articles? You also need to come up with an attractive title, you know most people will take a quick look at the title first, and if it's not enticing enough or it's just too common, or even boring, i believe most viewers will skip it. So even if your article is actually very interesting, you might miss the opportunity to reach your audience.

Be responsible for all your articles. When you write, you need to ask yourself, do you enjoy writing it? You must ensure the quality of your articles, because if you could guarantee every one of them is well written, i'm sure that you will have loyal readers over time.

3. Promote your posts through multiple channels

Last but not least, if it's possible, promote your posts more. I notice that native Chinese people are very different from those who have studied overseas, because after writing a post they usually don't advertise it at all, just keep quiet. I don't know if it's because of the mentality of "real gold will shine sooner or later", but my personal advice is that, if you believe that your article is good, you should promote it more often. I have a lot of comments in my posts too, some are asking me to upvote them, i'd like to say that, this is a simple and forceful method that everyone can apply, but it's most undesirable, and sometimes it can be very unpleasant too.

The correct way is that you need to believe Steemit isn't just a publishing platform but also a community. What is a community? Just imagine the community you living in now, if you want to be more welcome, you need to pay attention to the other posts here too! Read more, upvote more, and if possible, leave a meaningful comment, let the writer know that you have read his article, sincerely. 

Many people thought it would reduce your Steem dollars if you upvote too much, actually this concern is unnecessary, upvoting will only spend your Voting Power, and VP replenishes everyday accordingly, about 20% (Click here with your user name to check your VP), therefore, don't be stingy! Be generous and upvote the other writers' posts! 

Besides these, i also encourage you to take part in our community activities, such as our recent Qixi Chinese Valentine's Day Steemit Chinese Literature Group Romance Writing Contest, and soon we will launch a monthly review, "New Event, New Beginning- Chinese Community Monthly Review Is Under Preparation". Take part in more of our events, interact with the others, make some friends, and believe me, more social life will increase your popularity here!

   I hope you enjoyed my post. If you did, please don't hesitate and  upvote it, follow me( @rivalhw ) WeChat:rivalhw . if you haven't already, and leave a comment to let me  know what you think! 

  喜欢我的文章,那就毫不犹豫点赞和加我  @rivalhw  微信号:rivalhw 加微信时请一定注明: steemit

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