By Richard Bush and Michael Palmer

We are excited to announce that the IAB Tech Lab is establishing a new working group with the goal of exploring ways to leverage blockchain to improve efficiency and value realization in digital advertising.

Since it was first described as a fundamental component of the Bitcoin architecture by the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto in the fall of 2008, interest in the concept of the blockchain and its possible uses has grown from a few members of the obscure cypherpunk community to the R&D halls of top universities and the boardrooms of fortune 500 companies.
由于在2008年秋天首次被神秘的Satoshi Nakamoto描述为比特币架构的基础组成部分,对区块链概念和其可能用途的兴趣已经从cypherpunk社区的几个成员蔓延到顶尖大学的研发室和财富500强公司的董事会。

A question is: Why blockchain in advertising?

We believe the collaboration based network effects of Blockchain are already changing the way global industries perform transactions and share data. This shift in paradigms provides mutual benefits for digital markets, advertising being one of the fastest growing industries.
我们认为基于区块链的网络协作效应已经改变了全球各行业实现交易和共享数据的方式。 这种范式的转变为数字市场提供了利好,广告是其中增长最快的行业之一。

With many initiatives already in the work to adapt blockchain technology in order to address various challenges present in the digital advertising industry, it is important that a framework be put in place to guide the development of a common set of standards and protocols.

It is necessary to understand some of the fundamental characteristics of blockchain to answer this question. First, blockchains create a medium by which two or more completely anonymous or semi-anonymous parties can complete various types of transactions at a low cost. This has led some to call blockchain a “Trust Machine”.
回答这个问题,有必要了解区块链的一些基本特征。 首先,区块链创建了两个或多个全匿名或半匿名方,以低成本完成各种类型交易的媒介。 这使得有些人称区块链为“信任机器”。

Blockchain essentially functions as a distributed ledger. Additionally, it possesses two critical features. First, once data is stored in the ledger, it is typically complicated (more so than with other technologies that are used today) to modify or delete. Every record on a blockchain is permanent and will last as long as the copy of the entire blockchain exists. Second, the ledger is distributed among all the participants on the blockchain, and each user maintains a complete copy of the blockchain.
区块链发挥着分布式分类帐的作用。 此外,它具有两个关键特征。 首先,一旦数据存储在分类帐中,通常难以(比今天使用的其他技术更复杂)进行修改或删除。 区块上的每个记录都是永久性的,只要整个区块链的副本存在就会持续。 第二,分类帐分布在区块链的所有参与者之间,每个用户维护区块链的完整副本。

There is no centralized controller of the data in the blockchain and no single point of failure for a blockchain’s operations. If one or more users are disconnected from a blockchain, the blockchain continues to function, and no data is lost.
在区块链中没有对数据的集中控制器,并且区块链业务不会有单点故障。 如果一个或多个用户与区块链断开连接,区块链会继续运行,不会丢失任何数据。

This ability to keep a fully verifiable and immutable ledger or database available to all members of a particular group or market makes blockchain an attractive tool to address challenges as diverse as payment processing or fraud prevention. Such a fundamental technology should not be ignored, it should be embraced, and this is why we are forming this group.
保证特定或市场的所有成员完全可验证和不可变的分类帐或数据库的能力使得区块链是解决诸如付款处理或欺诈预防之类挑战有吸引力的工具。 这种基础性技术不应该被忽视,它应该被接受,这就是我们正在组建这个组织的原因。

Blockchain technology is already being utilized in the digital advertising space, and here are some examples of the projects and initiatives. It should also be noted that many industries are already well underway even at this relatively early stage of evolution.
区块链技术已经在数字广告领域得到应用,这里有一些项目和活动的例子。 还应该指出,即使在这目前相对较早的变革阶段,许多行业已经很好地开始发展。

  • AdChain is an open protocol on Ethereum’s public blockchain. Its stated goal is to allow for building of decentralized applications, specifically for use in the digital advertising ecosystem.
    AdChain是基于Ethereum公有链的开放协议。 其声明的目标是允许构建分布式应用,专门用于数字广告生态系统。
  • Adex is a decentralized ad exchange that utilizes Ethereum to address problems like fraud, privacy, and consent in the digital advertising space.
  • Amino combines technologies from blockchain, payments, and adtech to bring transparency, integrity, and auditability to online advertising.
  • Ethereum is a blockchain based, publicly available open source distributed computing platform that provides a decentralized virtual machine and its own cryptocurrency tokens called “ether”. These attributes make Ethereum an attractive base for the generation of smart contracts and serves as the foundation of other applications.
    Ethereum是一个基于区块链的公开开源分布式计算平台,它提供了一个分布式的虚拟机和自己称为“ether”的加密代币。 这些属性使得Ethereum成为智能合约生成和其他应用基础的有吸引力的底层。
  • Faktor is a blockchain-based identity management platform that can be utilized by publishers, advertisers, and individual users.
  • Hyperledger is an umbrella project of open source blockchain initiatives that was started and managed by the Linux Foundation.
  • NYIAX, a guaranteed media contract exchange, bridges the space between the financial and digital advertising ecosystems utilizing blockchain in partnership with NASDAQ.
  • Rebel AI secures digital advertising and protects publisher identity and brand spend using machine learning, blockchain, and encryption technologies.
    Rebel AI保护数字广告的安全,并使用机器学习,区块链和加密技术保护发布商身份和品牌支出。
  • The Basic Attention Token (BAT) utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to create a token that can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on a purpose-built platform.

Much like its successful Content Taxonomy standards, the IAB Tech Lab believes that by soliciting input from players across the industry, it can help introduce and implement standards and protocols for the utilization of blockchain technologies in the digital space.

Our initial goal for the new Blockchain Working Group is to investigate the application of blockchain technology in the business of digital advertising.

The initial areas of scope are fraud, measurement, discrepancy reconciliation for billing purposes, financial transactions, and validation of advertising resources and assets. Additionally, we will assess if blockchain technology can offer definitive advantages and new opportunities of scale. The working group will evolve standards and protocols and adapt them for blockchain technology.
初始范围是欺诈,测量,计费的差异调节,财务交易和广告资源和资产的验证。 此外,我们将评估区块链技术是否能够提供明显的优势和新的规模化机会。 工作组将演进标准和协议,并使其适应区块链技术。

Since beginning to forming the working group, as member co-chairs, the two of us have been working with the IAB Tech Lab Blockchain Working Group team. The primary step has been to structure what initiatives to execute first to best advance IAB Tech Lab’s commitment to exploring the implications and applications of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies in our industry.
自从成立工作组以来,成员共同决策,我们两个人一直与IAB技术实验室区块链工作组团队一起工作。 首要任务是组织最先执行哪些举措,以最好地推进IAB技术实验室探索区块链和分布式分类帐技术在我们行业中的影响和应用。

We encourage all interested members to watch out for educational content from IAB Tech Lab. A live member event is being held at MetaX HQ in Santa Monica on October 18 to get everyone up to speed on blockchain and its application to digital advertising (view more information on this event here), with more events to follow. The Blockchain Working Group is now open for business. If you’re an IAB Tech Lab member and would like to participate, email
我们鼓励所有感兴趣的成员关注IAB技术实验室的教育内容。 10月18日在圣莫尼卡的MetaX总部举办现场会员活动,让每个人都可以加快(推动)数字广告的区块链及其应用(查看此次活动的更多信息),以及需要遵循的其他事情。 区块链工作组现在开始对外。 如果您是IAB技术实验室成员,并希望参与,请发送电子邮件至



Richard Bush, Chief Product & Technology Officer, NYIAX
As Chief Product and Technology Officer at NYIAX, Richard spearheads the ongoing development of the NYIAX platform.
Richard has more than 15 years of experience in the advertising technology industry. He comes to NYIAX from IPONWEB, a key infrastructure provider in the media trading ecosystem, where he was the General Manager of its Publishing Solutions business. In this role, he guided custom projects for industry players to market, and working with teams across the globe — Japan, EU and the USA — built new products and custom platforms specifically tailored to client’s unique business models.
Richard has also served as the VP of Product and Technology at AOL Networks, and as the original programer and developer of content management and web publishing software for many of the Reed Business Information’s web properties.
Richard currently resides in the Greater New York City area.

Michael Palmer, Global Director Product, {m}Platform, GroupM
Michael Palmer was most recently a Project Manager at Xaxis where he worked on a variety of initiatives supporting Xaxis’ global trading businesses. He is currently working as a Director of Product Management at GroupM’s mPlatform organization where he works with teams from the Americas, EMEA and Europe to improve data quality and usage. Michael lives and works in New York City.

本文由adblockchain翻译校正,原文:BLOCKCHAIN FOR ADVERTISING