It's moments like this that make parenting so rewarding - 做父母虽然辛苦但非常快乐

It's been just over a month since my daughter was first born. It has been a tiring few weeks as our family of three adjust to becoming a family of four. But it has also been an incredible few weeks, as I got some time off work and got to spend some quality time with my son and new born daughter.


Watching my daughter grow day by day has been a real joy. Having her look into your eyes and smile at you just melts your heart. And today I witnessed an incredibly cute moment.


My daughter held the milk bottle by herself


As we were bottle feeding her, she grabbed the bottle by her two tiny hands and drank the milk by herself. For the entire duration of the feed, she held the bottle by herself。 It's those moments that make all the sleepless nights and hard work of parenting worth while.


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