Serena's Notebook #1 : 論「拒絕學習」 Talking about 'refuse to learn' (ENG/中文)


Hello Steemit friends, long time no see! Despite being so busy on my study recently, I finally squeezed a little bit time to write, and today I would like to talk about ‘refuse to learn’.

(圖片來源: Pixabay)


One of my friends have shared a video about monetary liabilities with me recently, bringing a total destruction on my view on ‘money’, leading me to consider the money which I pay much effort and time to earn is in fact worthless. Therefore, I started to pay more attention on cryptocurrency as I believe its emergence may protect my future more. However, having started for 1 or 2 days, I have realized it wasn’t that easy since beginners for cryptocurrency have to be quite diligent to figure out what crypto is. Apart from the fundamental analysis, the technical analysis has to be understood as much as possible. Otherwise, the incredibly large amount of critics and information may confuse you, and even cause you making improper decisions. Though being an Engineering students and perhaps higher capability to understand what crypto is, I had a strong tendency to give up very soon and played games to escape from the reality. When lying in bed and doing nothing, I was thinking : Why do I have such a strong resistance to learn new things despite having the incentive to do so?

(圖片來源: Pixabay)


Perhaps it is because of my resistance to learn.

(圖片來源: Pixabay)

這件事或許不只是出現在我身上。我還記得曾經在上畫圖課時,教授突然有感而發地說其實現在畫圖課的已經遠比以前要輕鬆——本來兩個semester的畫圖課改成只上一個semester,而從前的學生得間中在lab熬夜畫圖,現在的每星期卻只有一份畫圖練習。可是,教授直斥這個課程改成這樣其實無法真正令學生熟習畫圖,卻苦笑道根本不可能再把課程改成之前那樣,不然學生一定會瘋狂投訴他——學生只是「refuse to learn (拒絕學習)」而已

This may not only happen to me. I can still recall that once when I was attending class for engineering drawing, the professor suddenly exclaimed that the course had been much easier than before. For instance, the course was originally a full year course, but now we only had it for one semester only. Also, students who studied this course before had to do the drawing exercise overnight in the lab occasionally, but now we only have one assignment per week. The professor strongly opposed with the change of the course since he thought that it made the students being unable to be familiar with drawing, but he could do nothing on it as the students would complain a lot on him if the course restores, the students just ‘refuse to learn’’.

(圖片來源: Pixabay)

不光是教授,連當兼職家教的我也清楚地感受到學生refuse to learn的問題,而且學生越年輕,這個問題就更嚴重。我有一個學生,在做練習時會用0.5倍速去做,我講解時也不會聽,叫他去做改正時就只會看著練習發呆,我得講解3次他才會改好。一開始我也懷疑是不是我講解得不夠好,但後來我發現其實不然——他在課堂過了一半就會開始頻頻看手錶,喃喃道:「...還剩下一半...」他只是單純地想要把時間耗掉!其實他並不是不緊張成績,他也會因為不合格而不快樂,但他就是不想學習而已。

Not only the professor, but also I as a part-time tutor can perceive the phenomenon of students’ resistance to learn. The younger the student, the more obvious the phenomenon. When I was having a class with one of my students, it took an extremely long time for him to complete the exercise, and he ignored me when I was explaining the solution to him. He even spaced, staring blankly on the paper when I asked him to do the correction. At the beginning, I was suspicious on myself if it is my problem that I couldn’t explain clearly, but it turned out that it wasn’t my fault——he kept checking the time frequently after half of the class passed, murmured,’...only half lesson left...’ He merely wanted to stall until the class ended! Although he also cares about his academic performance, he simply just doesn’t feel like to learn.

(圖片來源: PIxabay)


What causes us being so reluctant to learn? Is it just due to the ‘laziness’ defined by the majority?

(圖片來源: Pixabay)


From my perspective, it is about ‘ process’ and ‘result’. There are so many articles discussed about them, they argue more or less the same thing : instead of valuing the ‘result’ the most, enjoying the ‘process’ is much more prominent when doing any kind of things as you will be lack of energy if you only value the ‘result’...Hmmmm it may be correct, but I rather ask : Why do we choose to value the result instead of the process?

(圖片來源: Pixabay)

我覺得最主要的原因是因為環境教會我們得這樣思考,這種思維在你未懂事時已經想要被植入你的腦海中,而如果你不接受,則會因為和環境不合而有極大的痛苦,令最終絕大部分的人都只好接受「著重結果」這種思維。不接受這種思想,你就無法生存。小時候或許任誰都有想要好好努力讀書的時候,或是學習自己感興趣的事物,然而如果最後測驗出來的成績未如理想,或者自己感興趣的事「表面上」在香港是不能用作糊口,你身邊的人 (通常是你的父母或者老師) 就會拼了命的打擊你,忽略你在過程當中的努力,僅僅就你的結果去對你作出判斷。很無稽對吧,但現實是很多人從小就活在這種環境之中,不想瘋掉,就唯有無差別地接受,演變成拒絕學習。

I think the largest reason is that the environment forces us to have such a mindset, which tried to be planted in our brain when we were just kids. If we attempted not to adopt the mindset, we would suffer from severe depression because of experiencing continuous opposition from the people around us and thus being posed much stress just because we were different from them. Perhaps everyone once strived to study well or learn the things they were interested when they were kids, but as soon as the result of a single test was under satisfactory, or simply the things you were interested cannot guarantee you a high-paid job in future, the people surrounding you, probably your parents or teacher, would deny your effort merely based on your results. It may sound ridiculous, but that is the reality, and at the end we could only choose to adopt to the mindset with no choice to protect ourselves from being driven to insane, and it further develops to resistance to learn.

(圖片來源: Pixabay)


Many people may feel hopeless when getting here. We can notice this problem! But we can do no nothing on the mindset as it has already been a part of us! It is impossible to get rid of it anymore! However, for me, it is a great opportunity——why shouldn’t I let it go if the mindset was not mine? It is meaningless to grip a thing which was not adopted by myself. Why should I be so scared of losing something which is not mine?

(圖片來源: Pixabay)


What do you think, my lovely Steemit friends? Please comment below and let’s have a further in-depth discussion!

(Photo taken by me in Granada, Spain)

後記:小妹我還是有留意加密貨幣什麼什麼的,但實在是有點辛苦呢T_T…因為我中學大學都沒唸經濟呀!現在還在水深火熱之中跟很多很陌生的術語和概念打交道…嗚呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀((反桌)) 而且我在程式編碼那邊也只是一般般,學得也不深,所以光是搞懂hash function啊public key private key blockchain這些東東也燒了我好多腦細胞,還是不能100%搞懂呀!!!!((哭)) 所以真的覺得在crypto界的人真的很厲害呢…
而且我在這個semester也開始了唸德文,光是學工程或德文的工作量就不少了呀,兩個一起學就根本!令人很想自殺呢 ((哭哭)) 還是咬緊牙關挨過去吧!

Das Leben ist zu kurz, um Deutsch zu lernen! ( Life is too short to learn German! )

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