Serena's Cinema #1 : 'Loving Vincent' 「 情謎梵高」(ENG/中文)

Steemit的朋友們我們又見面了!!你們最近還好嗎?我最近一套期待已久的電影上映了,所以前兩天就急不及待地和友人跑去看了!!而那套電影就是「情謎梵高 (Loving Vincent)」。

Hi Steemit Friends, I am so glad to see all of you again! How are things going on? Recently a movie that I have been waiting for so long has been in cinemas, so I immediately went to the cinema and watched it with my friend. And the movie is ‘Loving Vincent’.

Picture Source : Loving Vincent Official Site


The movie has been famous for being the world’s first fully painted film. It has been prepared for years, recruited up to 125 top painter worldwide to paint 65000 frames which each is an oil painting on canvas, and they were combined to produce the film with advanced animation technology.

Picture Source : Loving Vincent Official Site


The film a biography of the everybody-known painter, Vincent Van Gogh. Having studied a little bit on his life and paintings before, I have no problem on understanding the plot, and some particular scenes like that when Vincent was about to pass away even aroused echo in my hearts, making my tears well up in my eyes. However, my friend who doesn’t know much about Van Gogh had difficulty to catch up the plot, and saw the film’s description on Van Gogh biased, failing to get the normal audience to know Van Gogh very objectively and easily. Therefore, for the plot of this film, the evaluation depends.

Picture Source : Speed Art Museum

但如果只看作畫的話,我不得不給它打個滿分 (讚)!電影有兩種作畫方式,分別為彩繪及黑白(用以描述過去發生的事)。在彩繪方面,很多梵高筆下名畫的場景及人物在螢幕中重現,例如<<夜晚露天咖啡座>>、<<夜間咖啡館>>、<<麥田群鴉>>、<<嘉舍醫生的肖像>>等等,而且作畫完全符合梵高的繪畫風格,例如碎筆 (broken strokes) 及對比色的應用等等,根本令人目不暇給呀!!而黑白的畫像真得和看真人沒兩樣,繪畫得非常細緻。精緻的畫作再配合劇情的推展,清晰地表達了梵高的感情世界和故事人物的改變,令我很快就進入了故事中的世界了。

But if only the painting is considered, it is certainly satisfactory! The film consists of two painting styles, which are color and B&W (used for recalling past events) respectively. For color painting, numerous Van Gogh’s famous painting were included in different scenes like ‘Café Terrace at Night’, ‘The Night Café’, ‘Wheatfield with Crows’, ‘Portrait of Dr. Gachet’ etc., and all the animated paintings fully matched Van Gogh’s painting style such as the application of broken strokes and complementary colors. They are so fascinating! And for the B&W, they are so realistic that are almost same as photos of real men! Combining the outstanding delicate paintings with the development of the plot, the film clearly expresses Van Gogh’s emotional world and shows the gradual development on the characters, and I immersed quickly in the film’s plot.

Picture Source : Little White Lies

Picture Source : Trailer Addict


Is there any other Steemians who have watched this film? Please comment below and let’s have a further discussion!


後記 : 本來是因為看到論壇上的一篇文章才開始對梵高及其畫作有點認識,發現他真的是個很寂寞的人,卻又很堅強——就算全世界都把他看作是一個瘋子,畫作全都賣不出去的窮畫家,他依然愛著世界上的人並包容他們。誰又想像的到他的畫作現在都是世上最價值連城的呢!有些人或者只當他是一個傳奇的看待,但我對他則除了抱有深深的憐惜,更多的是不解與敬佩——到底一個人是如何在如此惡劣而不被世人理解的情況下不去怨恨他人,而是選擇去愛他們呢?如果是我,我大概不出一年就會真的瘋掉了吧。

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