香港獨有的新年特色—維多利亞公園年宵市場,竟然還有比特幣氣球! HK's unique Lunar New Year Celebration: Victoria Park Market with Bitcoin Balloon

Steemit的朋友新年快樂!萬事如意!年年有餘!身體健康!家庭幸福 👪

Dear Steemit Friends, wish you all a Happy Lunar New Year with family & friends.


I am going to share my fun 2-day Lunar New Year Market experience at Hong Kong Fa Hui Park and Victoria Park, the second largest and largest market, which are also the most crowded places on every Lunar New Year Eve. In Hong Kong, there are a total of 15 Lunar New Year markets in different regions, and in Victoria Park alone, there are over 470 stalls in the park selling special New Year souvenirs, food, drinks, cushion, home appliances, accessories.

你們一定好奇擺攤位的人會是誰?香港的特色就是擺攤的人有些是中學生、大學生、在職媽媽、搞笑雜誌的老闆。當年,我和 @htliao 都嘗試過賣小黃人的甜點和香蕉🍌造型的小黃人玩偶。

Curious to know who are the stall owners? A special feature is that some stalls are rented by high school students, university students, working mums, trending magazine bosses. Some years ago, me and @htliao also tried selling Minions macaroons and Minions dressed in a banana suit.



Let me share the funny stalls of this year! The top one is definitely Bitcoin balloon.


第二名就是這個懷狗🐶冰室。奶茶和蛋撻絕對是香港最地道的美食。The second choice is doggie Hong Kong local cafe. Milk tea and egg tart are definitely Hong Kong's most genuine food.

The third I would choose this unique Fish Stall. The shop owners also wear fish market outfit, you can tell they are exerting much effort in the decoration.


Other than stuff toy stall, there are also flower area. Since this year's Valentine's Day is very close to Lunar New Year, a lot of shop owners put out romantic roses too.

Lastly, there are food stalls, such as Thai soup noodles, Wangyu beef, dumplings, meat snacks, oyster stick etc.




祝大家新年快樂!❤️ Wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year!

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