红米手机4(国民手机)(Redmi 4)



          About the Chinese new year, my dad would like to change a mobile phone, do not need expensive, the first thing I think about a thousand machine Meizu Charm Blue thousand machines and Redmi series, I used to use the mobile phone Meizu is, also, but I really love xiaomi, especially recently released xiaomi xiaomi and xiaomi MIX Note2, is to let my eyes bright, remember when students use xiaomi 2S feel particularly cool is very classic xiaomi, xiaomi is a mobile phone milepost significance, but has not been used xiaomi products, this will give up to buy Meizu, bought 4 Redmi, high version, although a little more expensive than the same configuration of the charm of blue, but the feeling is worth it, because want to use the national mobile phone products, with the international mi.


       I was in suning.com grab, express feeling slowly, when express little brother send, know there is a mobile phone, it will help me apart, originally want to feel pleasure when packing the open mobile phone, but let me express little brother opened the inspection.

     说说手机的真正上手体验(Talk about the real phone experience)

      1. 外观及硬件:外观还算可以,因为现在的国产手机外形都是很相像,没有特别大的突破,千元机金属机身,银色的机身还可以,握持手感也还可以,不搁手。然后就是硬件配置了,我这一部是高配版,高通骁龙625,3G RAM ,32G ROM ,像素前置500万,后置1300万,电池4100 mAh,硬件配置没得说,千元机,这个配置已经可以了,但是,不是Type-c的接口,我有点纳闷。下班回家的路上感受了一下手机的拍照,但是感觉千元机就是千元机,夜拍效果真的不太好,毕竟价位在这里摆着呢。然后回家后给手机充电也不是那么的快,40%-100%几乎用了两个小时左右,毕竟手机电池容量比较大,再说我也不是特别需要快充,这种速递勉强还算可以,也许是我没有感受过充电五分钟,通话两小时的大OPPO的强悍。

       1 .appearance and hardware: appearance is OK, because now the domestic mobile phone appearance are very similar, no major breakthrough, thousands of machines, metal body, silver body can also be hand holding can not hand. Then the hardware configuration, I this is the high version, Qualcomm snapdragon 625, 3G RAM, 32G ROM, 500 pixel front, rear 1300 battery, 4100 mAh, hardware configuration did not have to say, thousand machines, this configuration can, however, is not a Type-c interface, I was a bit puzzled. On the way home from work to feel the phone to take pictures, but the feeling is one thousand yuan machine thousand dollars, the effect is really not very good night shoot, after all, the price is placed here. Then go home for charging the mobile phone is not so fast, 40%-100% has spent nearly two hours or so, after all, mobile phone battery capacity is relatively large, and I don't particularly need fast charging, the courier reluctantly OK, maybe I did not feel the charge in five minutes, two hours of talk of the powerful OPPO.

 夜拍(Night shot)


        2 and UI: remember two years ago when students play xiaomi 2S feel very cool UI mobile phone, the effect is very love, but this time to buy Redmi after feeling is not so strong, feeling mi UI is also like that, but some of the more practical and humanized design, for example, time display, time display at work when the evening XXX, feel very humane, the details have done well, but m UI like a thin paper, there is no IOS that heavy feeling, I still love IOS the kind of heavy feeling, perhaps this is the difference between Android and IOS, the mobile phone has just started is certainly very smooth, no Caton, a long time, I would certainly like to Caton no IOS, not the kind of rubbish, and has been so smooth, or that sentence, thousand machines that don't require The high, not perfect, iPhone also has a lot of a lot of imperfections.


Finally, to pay tribute to our national mobile phone, I hope your product better and better, I will always pay attention to millet, refueling.

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