為什麼我支持 iPhone X | Why do I support iPhone X


Apple Special Event 2017 已經過去一段時間,而其中最為矚目的就是 iPhone X (註:這是羅馬數字 10,所以讀起來是 iPhone Ten ),Apple 所採取的全屏(加瀏海)設計引起不少人討論,而當中 Face ID 更遭受不少質疑和抨擊;不過我對於 iPhone X 以及 Face ID 仍抱着樂觀心態,這篇文章就跟大家討論一下 iPhone X。

Apple Special Event 2017 has passed for a while, and the most eye-catching news must be iPhone X. The use of all screen design and Face ID has raised a lot of dispute. I am quite optimistic about iPhone X and Face ID; this article will talk about my thoughts.

So sorry that the following English translatation is a brief summary.

iPhone X

發布會當日大家看到 iPhone 8 時大家或許都會興趣缺然,但提到「One more thing...」時相信大家都知道 iPhone X 要來了,其實 iPhone X 的消息在發布會前已經「洩露」了不少,但正式發布之後仍引起不少議論。我認為 iPhone X 其實是 Apple 的一個新開始,雖然我正使用的 iPhone 6s 毋須更換,不過我仍會以 iPhone X 為首選

You may had felt bored until you have heard "One more thing..." I believe iPhone X will be a new reboot for Apple and I would prefer iPhone X for myself.

手勢操作行先 Gesture-based design

iPhone X 採用了全屏幕設計,而我認為此項設計相當有理,正因手勢操作是未來方向,智能電話不應再拘泥於 Home 鍵或是其他虛擬按鈕。

iPhone X use an all screen design. I believe that the gesture is the future and smartphone should not be constrained by the Home button.

iPhone 的 Home 鍵的確陪伴着 iPhone 成長,不過其實 Home 鍵亦同時羈絆着 iPhone 的發展。在 iPhone 7 中,Apple 將 Home 鍵改為非實體按鍵,或許已經是打算取消 Home 鍵的測試;捨棄實體鍵後,Apple 可以更方便設計零件空間及增強防水功能,更免去了硬件消耗的問題,而在 iPhone X 中取消了 Home 鍵則可以進一步改善設計。

The Home button was important and witness the of evolution of iPhone, but it also constrain the iPhone's development. iPhone 7 use a "fake" home button and wipe out home button in iPhone X; this enhance the overall design of iPhone.

(From: Pixabay / Credit: masterjapko)

Home 鍵一直佔用着不少的螢幕空間,但它的實際作用其實不多,主要還是回到主頁或召出多工畫面,為此兩項功能而捨棄畫面空間實在不太值得;加上 Apple 一直希望培養使用者的手勢操作,例如「由畫面左方向右拉」的返回或上一頁的動作相信已經為不少使用者熟識,而毋須如 Android 般另設「返回鍵」。
我相信改用手勢操作後,儘管學習曲線稍為上升,不過 iPhone X 的整體操作流暢度將會上升,而智能手機亦應該朝着手勢操作進發。

Users will be familiar with gesture and feel nature with it. The usage of home button is quite narrow and users can easily and promptly adapt to gesture.

Face ID

螢幕截圖 2017-09-23 17.00.21.png
不過如果取消 Home 鍵,就不得不一併放棄行之有效的 Touch ID,Apple 在發布中提出了人面辨識的 Face ID,卻同時引起不少批評,但我則對 Face ID 抱有開放態度,亦歡迎大家討論。

Touch ID was abandon along with the home button. I believe that Face ID is valid and open to the change and discussions.

方便有效 不妨一試 Useful and let's give it a try

話說在頭,我對 Apple 有相當信心,認為不會她將放棄 iPhone 的安全性。誠然,Apple 間中會為了整體設計而犧牲部分細節,例如凸出的鏡頭、刪去的 3.5mm 插口,及以及 iPhone X 的瀏海——TrueDepth 鏡頭系統,不過她絕不會輕視安全問題

I have faith in Apple, and she will never give up the safety of her phones.

iPhone X 中加入神經網絡引擎、使用 TrueDepth 鏡頭系統所建構的 Face ID, 並非過往其他智能電話的面容辨識,而是超過 30,000 個隱形測繪點所描繪出來的立體面容辨識系統,不僅在黑暗中有效,更可自動學習面容轉變;使用者需要眼望電話才能解鎖,所以所謂的安全頭套其實只是惡搞。

Face ID is functional under different environment and should have passed a lot of tests. Some concerns such as unlocking iPhone by others while sleeping is not an issue.

當然,Face ID 的效能仍有待實驗,例如究竟可解鎖的角度有多大,是否真的只要能望見電話,即可以成功解鎖呢?不過有關安全的問題,或許有點過慮了。

What we should concern is the actual usability of Face ID, such as the detective angle.

與Touch ID 相比還算安全嗎? Is it safe when comparing to Touch ID?

撇除那些不了解 Face ID 而提出的安全問題,但如果與 Touch ID 相比,Face ID 還算安全嗎?

Apart from those irrelevant safety concerns, is Face ID still safe comparing to Touch ID?

其實不少人對於 Face ID 都實在有點杞人憂天了,不斷的質疑會否有人嘗試用各種奇特的方式打開 iPhone,這種情況與 Touch ID 剛出現時相似。大家還記得剛開始時對於 Touch ID 的各種擔憂嗎?結果卻是各間智能電話廠商都相繼轉用指紋解鎖,或許在幾年後,大家都會轉用面容辨識解鎖了。

Some worry may be unnecessary. People have little faith for Touch ID, and it happens again for Face ID; Face ID may be the standard after a few years.

但是,Touch ID又真的全無缺憾嗎?其實談到睡中被人解鎖電話,Touch ID 反而確實發生過問題,一名六歲的女孩用媽媽的電話購買了一堆 Pokemon 玩具
其實各種的解鎖方式都有優劣,或許如果你有攣生兄弟的話,Face ID 並不適合你,但話說回頭,如果你需要不斷提防自己的親朋戚友,卻也是一種無奈。

Touch ID has its own security issue, e.g. a 6-years old girl unlock her mother's and bought toys. Every unlock method has its own disadvantages, but you should not be always scare of your friends / relatives unlocking your phone.

各種解鎖方法的關鍵,都是希望能增加大家保護電話安全的意識。在指紋解鎖之前,不少人都不會鎖上智能電話;配合英文、數字的密碼固然安全,不過卻甚少人使用。我相信在這個層面上,Face ID 的效用並不會較 Touch ID 為低。

One main usage of unlock methods is to enhance the security awareness of users. Quite a number of people did not lock their phones before Touch ID was widely used. I believe Face ID can also enhance the awareness of users.

私隱問題在於信心 Privacy issue is based on the faith of the company.

另外,又小部分人會提及私隱問題。我樂見大家關注自己的私隱,如果面容辨識發展下去,的確有機會造成私隱問題,畢竟現時已經愈來愈多攝錄鏡頭,大家要保護自己的面容並不簡單。然而,我認為有關私隱問題,很大程度上在乎對該公司的信心,Apple 在保護私隱方面,應當算是首屈一指,如果大家連指紋都肯存於手機,又何必擔心面容的私隱問題呢?相反,如果是其他公司的話,就需要真正考慮是否使用面容解鎖了!

I am happy that some people concern their privacy; however, I believe that the key here is whether we trust the company, and I trust Apple as a reliable company.

iPhone 8 仍是可靠選擇 iPhone 8 is still a suitable choice

談了這麼多,那究竟是否馬上換上 iPhone X 呢?那倒不然。其實不少用家對智能電話的使用度不高,亦沒有對各種新科技的追求,就如 Google 的報告 Think 2020: Smarter Digital City 中指出,其實香港真正高度掌握智能電話的,其實僅得4%(不知我是否其中一員呢?)。GOOGLE RESULT.PNG
在此情況下,更好、更穩定的 iPhone 8 或許也是不錯的選擇,畢竟 iPhone X 彷彿是 Apple 十周年的概念機,各種技術、體驗仍未臻完善,如果大家沒有嘗鮮心態,只是希望有一部更順手的智能電話,那麼 iPhone 8 仍不失為個好選擇,而且更便宜,更容易購入。

As I have mentioned above, should you use the iPhone X right not? May not. To be frankly, smartphone users are not using their phone that well as they thought, according to Google report Think 2020: Smarter Digital City.
iPhone 8/ iPhone 8 Plus are still a good deal for normal users who do want to undergo the testing period of iPhone X, while iPhone 8 is the few best smartphones among the market.

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