Idea of Chinese culture project (Music part)~關於中國文化計劃的一些構思 (音樂部份)


Tang poetry is a great treasure of the Chinese culture, but the structure or words are all different with the modern language. My idea is use music to extend and promote this great thing to all over the world!

I need many help to proceed this big project, I can finish the part of music only. Many thanks to @perlia who help to write the part of Tang poetry reading! I think it need someone to help for design or drawing with Tang poetry, moreover, the promotion part is the most important! If you are interesting, please feel free to join!


需要很多的幫助才能完成這個大項目,我只能完成音樂的部分, 非常感謝@perlia幫助唐詩導讀的部分!還需要有人幫助設計還方面或繪畫,而推廣部分是最重要的!如果你有興趣,請隨時加入!
I will introduce the process of writing songs as follows:

It is divided into two parts, melody and arrangement. First of all, I will read the poet many times and think about its meaning. Use Vocaloid software to write down the melody and put the lyrics into the notes!


大致分為兩個部分,旋律和編曲。 首先,我會多次閱讀那首詩,然後思考這個其中意思, 使用Vocaloid軟件寫下音符,並按音符填入歌詞!

The second part is arrangement, I use the FL Studio to finish it! I am not very good to use it now, I believe practice make things better! Please give me some suggestion after you listen those songs, thanks a lot!

第二部分是編曲,我用FL Studio來完成它,這軟件我還是用得不太好,但我相信反覆練習會讓事情變得更好,希望聽完這些歌曲后請給我一些建議,非常感謝!

Song 1 [DU Fu – Hiking]: 【登高-杜甫】
Song 2 [MENG Haoran - New Year of a Chinese Family]: 【田家元日-孟浩然】
Song 3 [DU Fu -Raining Happily at the Spring Night]: 【春喜夜雨-杜甫】
If you are interesting, please go to view the past music related post:


Soundation 線上軟件 (1)
Different style 不同風格 (2)
Cymatics 音流學 (3)
Soundtrap 合作線上製作 (4)
Drum 鼓篇 (5)
Bass 低音結他篇 (6)
Guitar 結他篇 (7)
Ujam ft. Ms. Google Translate  谷歌小姐朗讀 (8)
Ms. Google Translate join tde lyric contest  谷歌小姐參加填詞比賽 (9)
Music Series - Pop Song  音樂系列 - 流行曲 (10)
Music Series - Flashmob  音樂系列 - 快閃樂團 (11)

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