Planning Cards – Agile Poker Game! 敏捷开发扑克游戏

At the beginning of each Agile sprints, the team members would sit down at a round table, planning tasks and breaking down each tasks into sub-tasks. The estimation of efforts will be the major outcome of this planning meeting. The following planning cards may be useful in this activity. 

A random (or in turn) team member gets to break down the task in advance. And for each sub-tasks, every developer picks a card and show it on the table at the same time. The point on the card represents the efforts required to accomplish the job. Of course, at beginning, a roughly-medium-size sub-tasks will be taken for the reference point (score = 1). 

敏捷开发 Agile Development 在每个短跑 Sprint 开始的时候都会有一个 圆桌会议. 开发小组成员会聚在一起 讨论需要开发的任务 并且会细分每个任务. 这时候我们就可以用到下面的扑克卡片. 预先需要有一个成员(可以是随机, 可以是轮流) 先把需要开发的任务汇总一下 并且把每个开发任务尽可能的细分成子任务. 这时候一开始会选一个难度适中的任务做为标准 (分数为1) 

 Agile Planing Cards

 “The deck of Planning Poker(R) cards is for youruse in estimating. The deck contains enough cards for four estimators to each hold cards with the following values: ?, 0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100 and infinity”. 

“每副卡片可供4人预估 分数为 ?, 0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100 和无穷大”. 

 Agile Planing Cards 

 Agile Planing Cards 

 Agile Planing Cards

Base on the points shown by everybody, opinions are required (and there might be discussions) for those who votes for the highest/lowest points. At the end of each estimation, the score will be averaged (or pick the medium) and recorded.This is called Agile poker game! 

每个人都想好每个任务的难度 并且同时的把卡片(对应难度系数) 亮在桌上. 这时候 出最高或者最低分数的人则需要 解释为什么 当然这时候就很可能会有激烈的讨论了. 最后统计分数的时候可以去掉一个最高分和最低分 剩下的取平均 并记录起来.这就是敏捷开发扑克游戏! 

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常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.     

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