How to Convert/Transfer Steem or Steem Dollars (SBD) to Bitcoins? 小白教程 – 如何把 SBD或者STEEM转出到比特币钱包?

  Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD) can be easily transferred/converted to your bitcoins with officially-recommended @blocktrades 

 This is the most easiest way to exchange your Steem/SBD to Bitcoins (or other digital currency). In this case, you need a bitcoin wallet e.g. You can use the online coinbase bitcoin wallet or offline Eletrum wallet

虽然好像已经有很多人写过很类似的教程, 但是 @thisjourney 似乎还是不太明白 于是我觉得有必要用我的自己简单的语言来介绍一下这个过程, 其实通过官方推荐的 @blocktrades 来转换SBD或者STEEM到比特币甚至是其它货币是相当的简单. 

 首先 你需要一个比特币钱包, 线上的比特币钱包我推荐 Coinbase, 线下的比特币钱包我推荐 Electrum

 Step 1: Click the “Sell” under the “Steem Dollars” if you want to sell SBD or “Steem” if you want to sell Steem respectively. 

 第一步: 如果要转换SBD则在Steem Dollar右边下拉菜单点击 “Sell” 卖. STEEM也是类似的一个过程. 

 Step 2: Now you need to Enter the suggested SBD/Steem to exchange, on the right hand-side, it will approximately tell you how much bitcoins you can get after exchange. You need a valid Bitcoin wallet address. 

 第二步: 在blocktrades的界面需要填写你的比特币钱包地址, 然后输入想转换的SBD或者STEEM金额, 这时候右边会显示大概能转出的比特币有多少. 

 Step 3: Click the “Get Deposit Address” button to get the MEMO. You need to copy exactly the MEMO as given (You may however use this same MEMO for many times you like) 

 第三步: 点击 “Get Deposit Address” 按钮, 这时候会告诉你需要向 @blocktrades 转帐, 但是你需要把MEMO填写成指定的字符串. 如果填写不正确 金额丢失, 请看此贴

 Step 4: Click the “Transfer” dropdown menu under Steem or Steem Dollars 

 第四步: 点击下拉菜单中的 “Transfer” 

 Step 5: Enter the recipient: blocktrades and fill in the amount of SBD or Steem to convert. 

 第五步: 然后需要按要求向@blocktrades 转帐, 但是你需要把MEMO填写成指定的字符串. 

 Step 6: Login the Proceed 

 第六步: 重新输入一下用户名和密码. 

 Your funds will be immediately unavailable. 


 However, it may take minutes or hours for this transaction to fully completed and reach your bitcoin address. 


 Remember, make sure you have entered the correct MEMO (see this incident) not your wallet address! 

 一定得谨记: 千万不要填错了MEMO. 否则很有可能血本无归

 Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts. 

 原创首发SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容.      

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Thank you @blocktrades ! 一次有惊无险的误操作 – 通过 blocktrades 转出 SBD 到比特币钱包把MEMO填错了

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