Bicester Luxury Shopping for Rich People (Photos) 比思特 Bicester 奢侈品 购物

Bicester is a shopping center for rich people. The address is:  50 Pingle Drive, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 6WD

I am not rich, and I have a family to raise. Therefore, the only time we went there was to have a quick tour on all the luxury shops.  

The cheapest women's bag still costs a lot and we could not afford it.  It is lucky that my wife is not so much fond of "luxury women's bags", she said she prefers jewellery (necklace, rings, anklet etc)

Anyway, still a recommended place for rich people, e.g. @sweetsssj   :)  不小心@了甜心妹妹,大神们请不要踩我。。

It is very crowded with people, and it took us 20 minutes to find a parking space. 

早就听说 英国最有名的 奢侈品购物村 是 Bicester 比思特. 很多国内有钱人来英国旅游指名要去这购物村里 血拼, 回国的时候还可以在机场退税.Bicester 的地址是: 50 Pingle Drive, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 6WD全程 60多英理 大概花了 2个小时 第一次过去走错路了. 

 周六去很多人, 虽然停车是免费 但是找车位差不多就花了 20分钟. 





 Pandora 手式店 

 Prada 包 



BICESTER中国人很多. 很多人一看就是中国人, 大包小包 夸张的还带着行李箱 估计都是 官二代 富二代. 










刚到就是中午了 几家吃的店都是人 只好买了在外面露天的地方吃. 

几家吃的店 人特别多 只好买了在外面露天的地方坐着吃


BURBERRY 英国奢侈品牌 巴宝莉

逛了一圈 发现大部分都买不起. 价钱贵的离谱. 一件 T SHIRT 几百镑. 真是土豪才能买的. 最后去 CK 买了几件内衣就回家了 还好没有空手而归.

官二代富二代是拉着行李箱去购物大包小包 而我们去则是当旅游景点 这就是差距啊

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