Tour to ancient towns 游玩于浙江的古镇

There are quite a few old towns in Zhejiang, such as Wuzhen , Xitang. These individuals dense stream tour town list is not the only option in town .


Ningbo - former child town

Former child town for movie enthusiasts and people who like Chen Yifei , will definitely be familiar , yes , this is "Sweeney " in the viewfinder , the largest southern colony surname Tong , Ming and Qing buildings intact momentum, richly ornamented , Fenqiangdaiwa , seamless. The whole town is an ancient country strong painting , every family has carved beams , every household has running water , gossip River , flow through the entire village .

宁波 -- 前童古镇


Nianbadu country ---

It is located in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces border of a small village deep in the mountains of Nianbadu , due to advantageous location , seems to have become provinces , " half-breed ." Emblem of wharf wall , Zhejiang style roof , Jiangxi style eaves rafters , Fujian -like walls of buildings in Nianbadu harmony . And Nianbadu gong cake and tofu is worth a taste of specialties , now Nianbadu has gradually started commercial , but mystery still attracted a large number of people go .

江山 --- 廿八都

这是位于浙闽赣三省边界的一个小村落,深藏于深山中的廿八都,因位置险要,俨然成了三省的 " 混血儿 "。徽式的马头墙、浙式的屋脊、赣式的檐橼、闽式的土墙在廿八都的建筑上和谐统一。而廿八都的铜锣糕和豆腐更是值得一尝的特色美食,如今的廿八都已经逐渐开始商业化,但神秘的色彩仍吸引了一大批人前往。

Xianju --- High village relocation

Gaoqian in the landscape surrounded by ancient houses , white walls and gray tiles silhouetted against the water and green leaves. This low-key village was built in the Yuan Dynasty , is now retained most of the Ming and Qing Dynasties building , there are 11 ancient houses are preserved intact . Houses are courtyard-style layout , the now rarely seen , combined with beautiful brick and wood carving , into which , as is generally returned to the old crossing a quiet afternoon . Residents of the village , most of them surnamed Wu , also mostly elderly and children . In fact, not with a purpose , to see the old house or savoring the quiet quiet here , it would have been sufficient .

仙居 --- 高迁村

高迁古民居在山水环抱之中,白墙灰瓦映衬着流水和绿叶。这个低调的村落始建于元代,如今留存的大多为明清时期的建筑,有 11 座古代民居被完整保留下来。民居的布局均为天井式,在如今已经很少能看到,再加上精美的砖雕和木雕,走进其中,如同穿越一般回到了旧时某个安静的下午。村子里的居民,大多姓吴,也多是老人和孩子。其实不用带着目的,看看老房子或是细细体味这里安静闲适,就已经足够了。

Song Yang Yang Jiatang village ---

Lishui Songyang town village has never been no shortage of those most strictly follow the ancient village to feng shui layout , deeply influenced by plowing home . Yang Jiatang village is here in particular have a taste . Here mountains , hillside soil layer by layer tile line, and when the sun sets, the highest point of the village stand overlooking the front of a golden , black tiled roof and walls with golden beauty simply stay a . No wonder this is called " south of the Golden Potala Palace ."

松阳 --- 杨家堂村

丽水松阳从来就不乏古村古镇,这些古村大多严格遵循古代风水来布局,深受耕读传家的思想影响。杨家堂村就是这里特别有味道的一个。这里群山环抱,依山而建的泥土瓦房逐层排开,夕阳西下时,站到村中最高点眺望,眼前一片金黄,黑色的瓦片屋顶和金黄的墙面的搭配简直美呆了。怪不得这里被称为 " 江南的金色布达拉宫 "。

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