Farrewell My Concubine 霸王别姬

"Farewell My Concubine" tells the love story of Chu Bawang Xiang Yu and Yu Ji. The overlord and Liu Bang were surrounded by battles, and the war was retreating. The overlord was the hero of the world. He was still fighting with the Han army on his own, but he was unable to succumb to the enemy. He was finally surrounded by Liu Bang. At this time, the songs were heard on all sides, and the overlord and the generals thought that Liu Bang had occupied Chu, and suddenly he had no love. The warriors fled and fled, leaving Yu Ji and the overlord’s seated Uganda with the overlord. Before the Wujiang River, there was a chase after the war, and the overlord sighed in the sky: "The crime of death is not the crime of war!" In the middle of the river, a boat is coming, and the old man who drives the boat intends to save the king. The tyrant swears to death and refuses to cross the river. He has no words to see Jiangdong’s father and his wife, and he will give Wuhuan BMW to the old man. For the last time, Yu Ji was drinking wine, dancing swords, singing songs, and then pulling out the sword from the overlord. When the overlord embraced Yu Ji and saw that the chase had arrived, he said to the enemy general: "Liu Bang rewards the talents and takes my head. Come and come, I will give you."

"Farewell My Concubine" is undoubtedly a tragedy, and has always been rumored by people. The pride and heroism of Bawang is advocated and pursued by people. Therefore, the "Farewell My Concubine" in the Beijing Opera has become a famous section, and Cheng Yiqiu and Yang Xiaolou are the masters of a classic interpretation of "Farewell My Concubine", but they have become the movie "Chou Die" The original shape of the clothes and the "small small building".

The film "Farewell My Concubine" is the work of director Chen Kaige in the 1990s. It is a clue to the growth process and life trajectory of the two brothers of "Liu Dieyi" and "Duan Xiaolou". 

The mother of "Cheng Dieyi" in the movie is a woman in the Qinglou. The beginning seems to indicate her feminine plot with fear. Because he is confused about his gender, he always sings the words "Sifan". So we saw a small bean with a small amount of words, calm and introverted, and delicate feelings (the name of Cheng Dieyi). Cheng Dieyi and the teacher's brother Xiaolou feel very good. When they first came to the troupe to learn the drama, they had several emotional exchanges with the younger brother Xiaoshi (the nickname of Duan Xiaolou), once in the troupe. In the evening, Shi Ge gave himself a cover. Once, the master helped the small beans to pull out the ribs, and the small beans were in pain. The small stone helped the lazy to be lazy. The master found the shackles on the ice. The three-nine-day smashed the ice basin with ice and smashed for a day. The small stone returned to the house, and the small bean pulled him into his bed and gave him heat with his body temperature. It was painful to learn to play in the troupe. A small bean sneaked out and accidentally caught up with a famous singer at that time. After seeing the glory of becoming a famous horn, Xiaodou returned to the troupe to work hard and finally caught up with the theater manager. He came to the troupe to pick someone. He was chosen to sing a little stone to the old eunuch, Huang Gonggong, and the two sang "Farewell My Concubine" to make a name.

So the chorus of "Farewell My Concubine" with the teacher brother became the only pursuit of "Cheng Dieyi", which made him more blurred of his gender, and also deepened his fascination with his brother "Duan Xiaolou". I began to confuse the relationship between the stage and life, and I felt the same feelings of my own. Because he had the best grasp of Yu Ji on the stage, he was appreciative of the "Yuan Siye" in the Liyuan line. Yuan Siye was a singer, and he was greeted by the younger brother in the small building. Later, "Cheng Die Yi" became more and more lost, and he exchanged with Yuan Siye to maintain his artistic pursuit. When the film arrived here, the "Yu Ji" of the overlord in a play and the "Yu Ji" of the overlord in life, we saw the beginning of the contradiction. In the future, this main line of contradiction ushered in one after another. A climax, while not breaking out under the efforts of all parties.

Until the Cultural Revolution, when the Red Guards tied the "Duan Xiaolou" to the fight, the "Cheng Dieyi" wearing a gorgeous Yuji costume suddenly rushed over and leaned down to paint the face of the teacher, this moment " Cheng Dieyi’s face is self-conscious, calm and abnormal, and it has a strong contrast with the scenes of sly, funny and noisy struggles in the surrounding pictures. I believe that the same heart in his heart is like water, because he has already regarded the scene of the red guards in front of him as the Wujiang River in front of the stage, and after the pursuit of the soldiers, all sides of the song, all he has to do is like Yu Ji in the play. For the last time, he painted the face for his "Chu Ba Wang Duan Xiaolou" for the sake of the king, the sword, and the song. But the reality once again is beyond the expectation of "Cheng Dieyi". The red guard's fighting is different and the embattled, the teacher "Duan Xiaolou" is not the real Chu Bawang Xiang Yu, the teacher "Duan Xiaolou" can not bear to be Fighting, but also failed to save the face and sword for himself like the overlord. Instead, it madly revealed the "crimes" of "Cheng Dieyi". "Cheng Dieyi" sat on the ground. Finally, when he heard the teacher revealing his gender trend, the contradiction finally broke out. "Cheng Dieyi "I feel lost when I miss the artistic pursuit of my life. After all, I understand that the drama is always a play, and reality is always reality."

There is another detail in the film that is very interesting. The ability of Duan Xiaolou to lose his temper is to shoot bricks on his head. This is the case during the troupe. The pats from the bridges to the brilliance in the Qinglou Bricks, the pats of the puppets in the background have been tried and tested. Until the Cultural Revolution, in front of the Red Guards, the bricks seemed to be less agile, and the blood bricks were not broken. The personality of "Duan Xiaolou" has changed with these several incidents, and it has become less and less confusing. It has become a compromise, and it has become nothing. People are softened in the impact of this fate, and they are also soft and forget the hardships, so it is not as good as once, and finally soft enough to make people stunned.
In the theater more than ten years later, the "Cheng Dieyi" and the "Dian Xiaolou", who had not seen each other for many years, rehearsed the play of "Farewell My Concubine". This time, "Cheng Dieyi" finally In the play, the fake drama is really done, and the sword of the "Dian Xiaolou" of the teacher is self-proclaimed. In the "Farewell My Concubine", Yu Ji and Bawang are finally different. In reality, "Cheng Dieyi" is finally fulfilled as a teacher. "Duan Xiaolou" has come to an end, just do not know whether this is out of love, or out of hate, is out of drama, or out of love.

The movie "Farewell My Concubine" is also a tragedy. It is sad in the world, sad in life as a play, and sad in the world's vicissitudes of human suffering.

The Beijing Opera "Farewell My Concubine" makes people's heroic spirit of Bawang, the world's pride has unlimited admiration and worship, and the movie "Farewell My Concubine" tells us that even the "Duan Xiaolou" who plays the righteous king on the stage is just a mortal. Ordinary people can only compromise when they encounter "four sides of the song" in their lives. They can't break through like Chu Yu Wang Xiangyu on the stage, and they will maintain their dignity.

I think the difference between the two is: When we encounter the "four sides of the song" in life, can we dare to "return" like the overlord?

《霸王别姬》讲的是楚霸王项羽与虞姬凄美的爱情故事。霸王与刘邦作战被围,且战且退,霸王乃是盖世的英雄,在被重重包围的情况下仍凭一己之力与汉军作战,但寡不能敌众,终被刘邦围在垓下。这时四面响起了楚歌,霸王与众将士以为刘邦占了楚地,顿时无心恋,战将士四散奔逃,就剩下虞姬与霸王的座骑乌骓马伴随霸王左右。前是乌江,后有追兵,霸王仰天长叹:“天亡我非战之罪也!” 。江中游来一叶扁舟,驾船的老翁有意救霸王一命,霸王誓死不肯过江,言之无颜见江东父老,言巴,将乌骓宝马赠于老翁。虞姬最后一次为霸王斟酒、舞剑、放歌,然后拔出霸王身上的宝剑自刎。霸王怀抱虞姬见追兵已到,便对敌军将领说:“刘邦悬赏千金取我项上人头,来来来,我赠与你。”说完亦拔剑自刎。

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