介紹其他區塊鏈上的社交平台-2 introduction of other social platform on blockchain-2


這次要介紹的是QUNQUN 我也是剛進入這個平台
可以先看看官網 https://qunqun.io

this time I’m going to introduce QUNQUN . I’m newbie too so u can see the official website first https://qunqun.io

這個平台是一個類似論壇的形式 每六分鐘會由ETH的智能合約產生一個數字 而想開群的用家就會去抽 每次只有一個人會抽到 而每次需要2QUN 以及鎖定49.99 QUN 而每個QUN 根據現價大約是¥0.25 由於每次都有一百多人去抽 我也抽了五十多次也還沒抽到... 我的運氣唉。。。

this platform is in a form of discuss group . Every six minutes, A number will be given out by ETH smart contract, users who wanna open a group will join the lucky draw and be given a number . If the number matches, u are able to get that group. People have to pay 2QUN to join the lucky draw and 49.99 QUN in wallet will be locked. Recently, 1 QUN is around 0.035USD.Everytime also have more than hundred people to join the lucky draw.. so I joined 5X times still couldn’t have my own group .

用家會因應在群組裡面的參與度 例如發文 回覆 讚等行為而在每一天結算的時候按群組裡的參與度比例分發QUN 而群主也能夠分到一定數量的QUN 自己也能調校 可以100%分給別人 >users will be rewarded according to their participation wih In the group. For example reply others or post something. They will be rewarded everyday according to the ratio of participation among group members. For the owner of group, he can adjust the amount he receive, he may even distribute all Qun to member to attract them.


今天就說到這 希望大家會喜歡 陸續會有更多其他平台的介紹

let’s end here, hope u guys enjoy and they will be more introduction of platform in the coming days.

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