Simple English Class (3) - Malaysian's common mistake

Good morning from Malaysia and welcome to the third English class of this week.


In this post, I'm going to point out and correct some grammar mistake. These are some mistakes I heard or read by people around me. I'm not a professional, to mention again.

  1. A is more better than B.
    In this sentence, it wants to refer A as a better option than B. You may just use sentence like:
    i. A is the best.
    ii. A is better than B.
    You are not allowed to add in "more" before the word "better" as its comparative.

  2. James buy already the SBD last week.
    The right sentence should be -
    James bought SBD last week.

  3. I eat already my lunch.
    This is one of the most common mistake I found in a lot of Malaysians. The actual sentence should be replaced with the word "ate".

  4. The screen is more bigger than the previous version.
    As per the same as sentence number 1. It should be BIG, BIGGER, BIGGEST.

  5. Give me your company chop.
    According to oxford dictionary, chop mean cut into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife.
    The actual word to be used right here is "Give me your company stamp."

  1. I will take the train and than the bus.
    The right word would be changing "than" to "then"
    Than meant to compare a thing.
    Then is used to replace "after that".
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