🇯🇵 🇹🇼 Catching a bit of Miyazaki in Taipei -Donguri Republic 在台北發現一点宫崎骏

Yesterday my family and I were around the Taipei 101 area, and while walking around aimlessly we stumbled upon a shop that look very much familiar to me. This shop looked like they transported the Miyazaki Studio Ghibli Museum to Taipei.


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My son absolutely loves Miyazaki's movies, so of course we had to go inside. They had one big Kittenbus for kids to stand in and take pictures with. My son was completely mesmerized by everything in the store especially the big Kitten bus and massive Totoro.


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I hope in the future we will be able to find some of these great finds, in Taipei and the rest of Taiwan there is so much I have yet to discover.


商店名稱 : Donguri Republic 橡子共和國台灣
地址 : 信義區松壽路12號
電話 : 02 7736 1005
營業時間 : Mon. - Sun. : 11:00 - 22:00


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