Shades of Color in Sky 天空之色调

The shades of blue-white on sunny day, the blacky sky on rainy day and the twinkling stars at night are the most common weather that we all can admire. Recently, on the way to and from work, I start to fall in love with the habit of looking up, admiring the nature of sky. Sometimes, you will see the ordinary blue sky with white clouds but sometimes, the nature will give you a surprise, rewarding you with the wonders of nature that can actually enlighten your mood.

Last Sunday, I immersed myself in the countryside with the peaceful and calm environment. Looking up, I discovered this colourful sky, is a gift from nature. While waiting for sunset with the bite from mosquitoes, live up to my expectation, the sunset is awesome! It will be better if I am able to admire the scene which the sun sets to the border line of the ocean. Even though it seems so romantic for waiting and enjoying the view, in fact, after the sunset, I need to rush back to my destination as the sky was getting dark in a fast pace. It really just took a moment to get darker. As sayings, romance is always in short, HAHAHA!

Occasionally, why don't you have a try to look up into the sky? Perhaps, you can discover something new too?


上星期天,心血来潮,跑到乡村地感受下平静悠哉的环境。又是抬起头,发现了这色彩缤纷的天空,真的是自然呈现出的景象,收到了个美丽的礼物呢!养蚊等日落,不负众望,日落格外美丽,只可惜看不到所谓的日落于海平线,机会可遇不可求,才显得可贵嘛~ 不过,很浪漫地等及欣赏完日落后,真的要快快骑回目的地哦~因为真的是不一下子,真的真的只是一下子,天就暗了,非常快。所以浪漫总是短暂的是吗?哈哈哈


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