Why haven't you earned money in Steemit? 为什么你还没在Steemit上赚到钱?

Why haven't you earned money in Steemit? 为什么你还没在Steemit上赚到钱?


As far as I know,Many people flocked into Steemit for money, trying to make more money should be encouraged, but I have to tell you a cruel truth that large section of them can not earn here, or cannot make enough money to afford themselves .

Don't envy others who make hundreds or thousands of US dollars every day, no need to swear to earn money here, or hurry to do a full-time or part-time job here.Once you cannot make your money, you will be heartbroken, confidence-broken, then disappear for ever.

Because of that you complain that it's an unfair community, people don't know how to respect, you may even think this is a malicious website which deceives you.

The truth is that Steemit is unsuitable for you, you do not have the ability to write, but fall into the fantasy of making money from writing, soon or later you will be hit to wake up by the reality. Even talent in writing is not assured to earn money here, you have to choose right topics that suit for Steemains.

Don't expect to make a lot of money at the initial times, only few people can do that, it's just coincidence, they shouldn't be your idol. If most people can make money once they come in here, Steemit is not a good thing, you have to alert to that.

No matter off-line or on-line, there is no community or organization that can make sure people to get money at their initial stage, unless you join an illegal group. Keep long-term vision, with careful management, then you have the possibility to find gold coins.

Steemit just offers us a way to make money, but cannot let everyone rely on it, but you can earn some pin money by painstakingly work.

Except money-making in Steemit, there are many valuable things you can do here, like making friends, knowing about outside world, learning another language, obtain useful information etc. you should not only look at the numbers of money a post earned, but also see the valuable knowledge it contains.

不要过多关注诸如荣誉值(Reputation)、权力值( Steam Power),粉丝数(Followers)等指标,沉下心来创作,当你的内容质量上去后,这些东西就像影子,自然会随之而来,而且你爆发的能量越大,射出的光芒越亮,影子也就越明显。
Don't pay too much attention on the index of Reputation, Steam Power, Followers, focussed on work creating. Once you make great works, these things would follow.

Seek quality over quantity, people will be disgusted with low value contents. It better to use days to create a high quality post than make several posts in one day.

Don't make too much low simple comments, they are useless, stop strolling Steemit for too much time. Try your best to add more values to this community, so you can get long-term development.

To earn money in any profession, you have to be qualified, even an assembly line worker or traditional farmer need abilities and skills to earn their living. The same in Steemit, try to develop your own specialities, show them to the public, earn respect and attention, then money is coming.

Link your home page to other website, introduce Steemit to your friends, let them support you. More people gather in, more demands are created, more possibilities are brought in, you are more likely to be needed.

我学医并从医15载,对医学知识比一般普通人了解略多些,若有健康或疾病方面的问题,尽可以问我,可在我文章下评论,也可发帖 @coldhair并提醒我。
I have been studying and working on medicine for more than fifteen years. I know much more Medical Knowledge than most common people. So, if you have any questions about health, disease, you can ask me. Comment here or Mention me @coldhair in your post.

这就是我。It's me.
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This is my First bilingual post in Steemit, hope to get some tutoring from you, thank you for reading.

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