2018 俄羅斯世界盃競猜遊戲「球在哪呢?」 CCP World Cup Where's the Ball Contest

Hi there everyone!! As part of the World Cup games, you may have noticed that we've introduced two Tang poems about football recently. If you've missed them, don't worry, you can check it out below:

Poems from the Tang Dynasty about football (Includes original song and video) |「唐詩裡的足球狂熱」 (內有原創樂曲及影片)

Chinese poem - “Written at Běi lóu after hánshí festival” by Wei Yingwu (Includes original song and video) | 《寒食後北樓作》- 韋應物 (內有原創樂曲及影片)

Now that the World Cup is entering the final stage things are really heating up!! CCP is going to host our very own CCP World Cup Where's the Ball Contest, and knock around the ball ourselves. Of course we want to invite you to come and join us!! There's a prize as well!!

[Details 遊戲詳情]

How to play 玩法:
The picture is an extract from our latest post. The player is running towards the ball, and he will kick the ball to ….. somewhere. That's the SBD10 question,where will the ball land? There's a grid on the drawing A1 - E5. Just tell us in the comment section below which part of the grid you think the ball will land. Each person can guess twice.
下圖是我們上一篇文章的插圖,在圖中,一名球員正向皮球奔跑,準備大展拳「腳」,把球踢到....某處。問題來了,這是一個價值 10 SBD的問題:到底皮球會落在球場的哪個位置?


Nomination :

In order to increase your chances of winning, why not nominate your friends to play? If they win, you will also get a prize. Each person can nominate up to 5 other people to play, just tag them with your answer in the comment section below.

Eligibility 參賽資格:

You must upvote this post to play otherwise you will be disqualified if you win. And if you nominate your friends, why not resteem this post to make sure they see it?

Closing date 截止日期:

The contest will close on Sunday 15 July, 6pm China/HK time, 6am EST, 3am PST and 10am UTC. Make sure you get your answers in before you watch the world cup final. Good luck!!!!

Prize 奬品:

The person who guesses the correct answer will win SBD9, and if there are more than one winner they will share this prize.
答對的幸運兒將得到9 SBD的獎金!如果答對者多於一名,他們將會平均分配獎金。


If the person that you nominated to play wins, then you will get SBD1, but your nomination must be made before they made their entry. If a winner has more than one nominator, then all the nominators will share this prize pool.
如果你提名的朋友答對了!你也可以得到1 SBD的獎金,不過緊記,在你朋友答題前就是先@他們就是有效提名啊!如果勝出者多於一名,提名獎金亦會平均分配!

Hurry up and come and join in the CCP World Cup Where's the Ball Contest!!


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