


延迟时间指的是一个账户向另一个账户发送消息并收到响应的这段时间。目标是让两个账户在一个区块中交换消息,不必每条消息之间等待3秒。想要实现这个目标,EOS.IO 软件把每个区块分成多个周期。每个周期分成线程,每个线程包含一系列交易。每笔交易包含一组要发送的消息。这种结构可以看成是树状结构,串行并行交替处理。

  区块 Block

    周期 Cycles (串行sequential)

      线程 Threads (并行parallel)

        交易 Transactions (串行sequential)

          消息 Messages (串行sequential)

            接收账户和被通知账户 Receiver and Notified Accounts (并行parallel)

解释:解释一下并行操作:一个人可以同时吃饭和看电影,但是一个人不能同时吃饭和吹气球。因为眼睛和嘴没有冲突,但是吃饭和吹气都要用嘴,同时进行会发生冲突 。








有些时候 ,需要确保多条消息被送到多个账户并被接收的原子性。在这种情况下,所有的消息都会被放在同一笔交易中,所有的账户会被放到一个线程,消息按顺序应用。这种情形下性能不会很理想,当遇到“账单”用户使用时,他们到根据一笔交易中涉及到的唯一账户数量来统计。






交易所应用开发者运行全节点是为了向他的用户们展示交易状态。而这个应用没必要去关联社会应用。EOS.IO 软件可以让任一全节点选择应用的任意子集来运行,发给到其他应用的消息可以被安全的忽略,因为一个应用的状态只和他们接收到的消息有关。






EOS.IO 软件不会强制区块生产者向任何账户发送消息。每个块生产者对处理交易所需的计算复杂性和时间做出自己的主观计算。无论是用户生成的还是脚本自动生成的交易都适用。

在一个已经启动的EOS.IO软件的区块链,在网络层面,所有的交易都需要支付固定的计算带宽成本,无论是执行交易用了0.01毫秒还是10毫秒。不过,每个独立的区块生产者都可以使用自己的算法与计算方式统计资源使用率。 当区块生产者得出一笔交易或一个账户消耗了大量不匹配的计算能力时,在他们生产自己的区块时可以拒绝这笔交易。然后,如果其他的区块生产者都认为这笔交易有效,他们依然要处理这笔交易。





Minimizing Communication Latency

Latency is the time it takes for one account to send a message to another account and then receive a response. The goal is to enable two accounts to exchange messages back and forth within a single block without having to wait 3 seconds between each message. To enable this, the EOS.IO software divides each block into cycles. Each cycle is divided into threads and each thread contains a list of transactions. Each transaction contains a set of messages to be delivered. This structure can be visualized as a tree where alternating layers are processed sequentially and in parallel.


    Cycles (sequential)

      Threads (parallel)

        Transactions (sequential)

          Messages (sequential)

            Receiver and Notified Accounts (parallel)

Transactions generated in one cycle can be delivered in any subsequent cycle or block. Block producers will keep adding cycles to a block until the maximum wall clock time has passed or there are no new generated transactions to deliver.

It is possible to use static analysis of a block to verify that within a given cycle no two threads contain transactions that modify the same account. So long as that invariant is maintained a block can be processed by running all threads in parallel.

Read-Only Message Handlers

Some accounts may be able to process a message on a pass/fail basis without modifying their internal state. If this is the case then these handlers can be executed in parallel so long as only read-only message handlers for a particular account are included in one or more threads within a particular cycle.

Atomic Transactions with Multiple Accounts

Sometimes it is desirable to ensure that messages are delivered to and accepted by multiple accounts atomically. In this case both messages are placed in one transaction and both accounts will be assigned the same thread and the messages applied sequentially. This situation is not ideal for performance and when it comes to "billing" users for usage, they will get billed by the number of unique accounts referenced by a transaction.

For performance and cost reasons it is best to minimize atomic operations involving two or more heavily utilized accounts.

Partial Evaluation of Blockchain State

Scaling blockchain technology necessitates that components are modular. Everyone should not have to run everything, especially if they only need to use a small subset of the applications.

An exchange application developer runs full nodes for the purpose of displaying the exchange state to its users. This exchange application has no need for the state associated with social media applications. EOS.IO software allows any full node to pick any subset of applications to run. Messages delivered to other applications are safely ignored because an application's state is derived entirely from the messages that are delivered to it.

This has some significant implications on communication with other accounts. Most significantly it cannot be assumed that the state of the other account is accessible on the same machine. It also means that while it is tempting to enable "locks" that allow one account to synchronously call another account, this design pattern breaks down if the other account is not resident in memory.

All state communication among accounts must be passed via messages included in the blockchain.

Subjective Best Effort Scheduling

The EOS.IO software cannot obligate block producers to deliver any message to any other account. Each block producer makes their own subjective measurement of the computational complexity and time required to process a transaction. This applies whether a transaction is generated by a user or automatically by a script.

On a launched blockchain adopting the EOS.IO software, at a network level all transactions are billed a fixed computational bandwidth cost regardless of whether it took .01ms or a full 10 ms to execute it. However, each individual block producer using the software may calculate resource usage using their own algorithm and measurements. When a block producer concludes that a transaction or account has consumed a disproportionate amount of the computational capacity they simply reject the transaction when producing their own block; however, they will still process the transaction if other block producers consider it valid.

In general so long as even 1 block producer considers a transaction as valid and under the resource usage limits then all other block producers will also accept it, but it may take up to 1 minute for the transaction to find that producer.

In some cases a producer may create a block that includes transactions that are an order of magnitude outside of acceptable ranges. In this case the next block producer may opt to reject the block and the tie will be broken by the third producer. This is no different than what would happen if a large block caused network propagation delays. The community would notice a pattern of abuse and eventually remove votes from the rogue producer.

This subjective evaluation of computational cost frees the blockchain from having to precisely and deterministically measure how long something takes to run. With this design there is no need to precisely count instructions which dramatically increases opportunities for optimization without breaking consensus.

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