Thirty-Six Stratagems 《三十六计》 No.1 Crossing the Sea Under Camouflage 瞒天过海

This is translation for "Thirty-Six Stratagems", hope to spread our broad and profound culture to the world. Thirty-Six Stratagems is one of the non-material cultural heritage in China, it is also the most precious intelligence our ancestors left for us from numorous battles in history. Although it is a military work,the principles have been applied in modern times including military,political and economic fields .

本篇是《三十六计》的译文,旨在让外国友人了解我们中国博大精深的文化! 《三十六计》是中国历代无数次战争实践经验的总结,是中华民族悠久非物质文化遗产之一,虽说是一部军事著作,但其蕴含的深刻哲理在现在军事,政治,经济等领域都得到了广泛的应用!

Crossing the Sea Under Camouflage 瞒天过海


The name of this Stratagem origins from a legend.

In year 643,Taizong Li Shimin,Emperor of the Tang Dynasty went on an expedition to Gaoli country with a 300 thousand soldiers army. That day, they arrived at the seaside, Emperor Taizong can't help worry about how to across the sea when seeing the endless sea and roaring waves.The head Zhang Shigui felt the Emperor's worry and called in other heads to discuss what to do,no one got any idea, meanwhile,Xue Rengui had a brainstorm.

Several days later,Zhang & Xue had a formal visit to the Emperor and reported:

"There's a man who knows how to dry up the sea, he can help us cross the sea successfully."

The Emperor asked Xue lead him to meet that magical man after hearing these words. They arrived at a place which was decorated as normal. The Emperor called in the old man and spoke highly of his skills. Then, the Emperor gave a banquet in his hornor. Eveybody lost in the entertainment.

After a while,there's strong wind and thundering waves,and started shaking. The Emperor asked what happened,at this time, Zhang and Xue told the truth:

"Our army had already cross the sea, we're arrving the east coast soon"

That's the story of "Crossing the Sea Under Camouflage"

Actually this strategy is applied in our lives very often. it takes advantage of people's mind, people are always blind to the familiar scene they see. So they will be taken in this illusion.








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