A Small Look Behind the Scenes @ and before the CMMerch Meet the Makers event.

Yooooo! Whats good everyone. I know I haven't been posting a lot, but I have a good reason for it. This weekend we had the first Official CMMerch "Meet The Makers". Theres so much to get in to, but the short story is: We officially partnered with a Weed Shop and got them to get behind the idea. So yeah its official, atleast once a month CMMerch Meet the Makers Event will happen. Super exciting! I'm trying to push for every weekend, but who knows right?


Heres a Pic Before the Event got Started and we just finished setting up.


Heres a Pic of Half My Set Up Table


Overall, it was a super great experience. I brought 32 Shirts and Sold 24 of them and Handed out the rest for free.


This is just a behind the scenes look.

Also on a side note, We have become the proud Artist & Writers of "Zooted" Comics.

No.2 Coming soon!

All in all we had 7 different makers there and it was amazing. It was an amazing feeling to sell out of my merch, but I can't wait til the next one!

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