CMMerch Community Inspiration Fashion Corner.

Here is a STEEMSPEAK Inspired Shirt, STEAMSPEAK is created and run by #fyrstikken.
The 2 Characters were created by @fyrstikken. It was a blast Printing and Pressing this one. Difficult, but fun!

Here are some Fashion Concept Shirts that we have Produced via Inspiration from the Steemit/Discord Community. All Shirts shown in the post are Concept Only Shirts , which means there is only one of them made by us. All shirts are Pressed by hand by Us for You.



We decided to go with a Black Vinyl on a Red Shirt, our initial idea was for a White Vinyl on a Black Shirt, but for some reason Red stood out more.


STEEMSPEAK has been around since the beginning and because of that, we got some O.G.s out here. So this shirt is for them! The SteamSpeak OG's.

"We're gona be Rich Boys"

Pros - The Process overall went very smooth on this print.

Cons - We sort of messed up on the mouth line and made it a little to thin. So in picture it looks very faint, but in person its vibrant and there.

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