Politics is Politics for Paedophile People

Politics is Politics for Paedophile People


How MI-5 Paedophiles Undermine the USA & Fund ISIS

Mark Anthony Taylor - @Shyreman

Another day, another deeply incriminating disclosure. This time, it is MI-5's turn, who were caught out with their hands in the banking fraud trough, and a trough that leads yet again to the Saudis and ISIS. Here is the letter sent from MI-5 to the mainstream media:

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What stands out in that letter is that MI-5 knows that the British government has given a £2 billion ($2.68 billion) loan extension to the Saudis as part of a package to convince them to do business with HSBC. Given that the UK could well have better spent that money on bullion or bitcoin then the British taxpayer has surely been swindled yet again and exposed to a default risk in an uncertain financial climate merely to create a false demand for HSBC services. HSBC is a private corporation founded by the Rothschild-Sassoon Opium Empire and now receives more in bailouts than it pays in taxes. It was involved with Deutsche Bank in a £65 billion money laundering operation, which was covered up for a year by the misdeeds of charlatan and Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett. Burnett had dismissed my appeals for my lawsuit in 2016 as a scurrilous 'collateral attack on the banking system'. It was only the fact that the Financial Times leaked a secret FCA memo that we know about that fraud at all and Burnett would have gotten away with us none the wiser and the banks laughing all the way to themselves.
Now compare the points of MI-5's disclosure to the fate of Roger Jenkins, who, as CEO of Barclays, lent money to the Qatar regime so that they could in turn buy back Barclays shares, creating fake demand in Barclays and thus a rigged share price. This would have been in the midst of the Libor rigging scandal, when banks were all misrepresenting their lending rates. Now why should Jenkins and co face prosecution for their side in Libor manipulation, when all the banks and governments were in on it? The answer probably lies with his wife Diana Jenkins, friends of the Clintons, donor to the Clinton Foundation and a woman heavily involved with Haitian 'Charities/'

enter image description here
Left is Bono, the tax-avoider. On the right is Diana Jenkins, former wife of Roger Jenkins,
ex-CEO of Barclays now facing prosecution for market rigging.

Some time ago, when most of us were not watching, there were allegations that Diana Jenkins was running a paedophile prostitution ring for Hollywood celebrities and Qatari VIPs. Allegedly the story was put out by Robert Downey Junior, but he has denied being the source.  With what has emerged in the past few months, the virtuous reader will probably deduce that one cannot grant the benefit of the doubt to the ruling class in any thing. Anyone surrounding themselves with Hollywood celebrities has to know that they are all deeply compromised. It makes sense that the Jenkins duo crossed the line, and used child trafficking to create business connections for the benefit of Barclays. This would most certainly have resulted in a one-sided relationship to the advantage of the Qataris, in which there is far less cultural rejection of paedophilia. As we see in Europe, with an epidemic of Sunni rapists, the larger part of the Sunni people feel no outrage when either boys or girls are raped by grown men, particularly when the children are Western. This of course, is a form of racism, one of the worst excesses of racism, and the type of racism you will not see covered in the mainstream press.
All the evidence I have seen tells me the Qataris were given favourable loans to Barclays because they were blackmailing the Jenkins, and this is the reason Roger Jenkins were indicted. It is possible Roger Jenkins was told he faces a prosecution for child trafficking if he tries to defend himself against fraud. 
Whatever the truth, MI-5 are committing the same class of fraud – conspiring to create fake demand in HSBC's services by lending British money to buy those services. MI-5 would have to know that Sir Ian Burnett and Sir Charles Haddon-Cave in the judicial review against the Campaign Against the Arms Trade  - CAAT - allowed the Saudis to buy British munitions. Everyone knows the Saudis and Qataris fund and supply ISIS. This fact would not be lost in MI-5. They have to know that some of what was lent to them was used to buy weapons that go off in such places as Manchester England, or Las Vegas in the USA. 
I had informed all of the key executive of CAAT that both Haddon-Cave and Ian Burnett had been instrumental in my lawsuit for covering up gold price suppression fraud and Russia money laundering. It was no co-incidence that the former Lord Chief Justice, Baron Thomas, had hand selected those two to handle the judicial review. No executive at CAAT bothered to respond to me. I can infer that CAAT never intended to win. CAAT is a charitable organization, and they use donations to fund their lifestyles. The moment they succeed the donations stop coming in. Both the FCA and the Serious Fraud Office – the SFO – have to be in the know of all these matters. In terms of fraud, they are just as guilty as Roger Jenkins, and in terms of terrorism, as guilty to conspiracy as any mad ISIS bomber.
Is it any wonder that MI-5 [top bods](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3006001/Former-boss-MI5-quits-role-crime-fighting-agency-3-000-day-job-scandal-hit-HSBC.html) walk directly into HSBC's board. I heard some American called Comey is on the same board. Factcheck Snopes?


Photo: Diana Jenkins and Bill Clinton – keeping friends close, keeping our enemies ISIS closer.


Obituary For Katherine Frisk


Editor of The International Reporter and contributor to Veterans Today magazine, Katherine

Frisk was a tireless and intrepid journalist who tackled the most important issues of our era, from
child trafficking and ritual abuse to the most serious banking frauds. I have known her for only
seven months, but in this time we became close comrades. Similar to myself she had lost her life
savings to Deutsche Bank, which she blamed for suppressing the price of platinum, in which all her
investments were made. There was never a letter or article that I sent to her that she would not
publish. She was a South African who despised elitism and corruption of both the Apartheid regime
and the governments that followed it. She believed that blacks and whites should peacefully co-
exist besides each other in her native homeland. She has penned a number of books promoting the
spirit of South Africa. Profoundly Christian, Frisk was a scholar of religious history and theology.


Frisk published materials every day and her last entry was on the International Reporter

dated 9th July. At 19.49 on the same day she sent an email to me, which is the last known
correspondence she made. (If anyone has anything later from her, please contact me). I believe she
died later that night.

She was not of good health, a heavy smoker and seriously overworked. There was some talk

of assassination, and so I sent a request to the South Africa Consulate for a coroner's report, but I
never got a reply. My belief is that governments are only too happy to let truth journalists get
murdered and will obstruct any action that threatens to expose the global crime syndicate. After speaking with her family I believe there is now no chance of establishing the exact moment of her death, or to be sure of the cause. However, her life was certainly made miserable by the result of what the banking cabal did to her. Modern government generally do not need to use assassins – they have engineered the legal systems and bureaucracies to kill on an industrial scale, and the deaths are all reported as 'by natural causes.' The question is not whether she was put into her grave by foul play. The question is whether she shall get justice. Death by starvation, the Holodomor, is with us today in the incarnation of market rigging. She understood that and paid the ultimate price. Were we today, living in a time of honour and honesty, there is no question that her health would have been significantly better and she would have lived more than another decade on this Earth. As with any good man or good woman who fights the good fight, rage is always in the shadows, eating into one's soul like an acid. The irony is that millions more will pay the same price, and never know that that they were blameless in their own demise.

So if there is any question of whom against one should unleash ones vengeance in her death, it must lie with those who ultimately made her life miserable – the banking elite and its ruling arch-oligarchs. It is cowardice to focus our efforts on anything less than at the eye of the pyramid.

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