Summary of Clinton misdeeds

There is an infection in the body politic and its agencies. There has been a politicization of the supposedly neutral rule of law to benefit one party as against the other.

Russia wants a piece of the US Uranium market. Russians bribe and extort their way to influence, and in an undercover sting, the FBI quietly arrests and deports some folks who were working on the Uranium One buyout engineered via a Canadian Uranium One ex-principle and long-time Bill Clinton pal, Frank Giustra. When the buyout of Uranium One by Russia’s state-run uranium monopoly, Rosatom, comes before the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), chaired by then Sec of State Clinton, the sale is approved- at a time that the US is importing uranium to meet its energy needs.

The FBI had gathered substantial evidence well before the committee’s decision that Vadim Mikerin, the main Russian overseeing Putin’s nuclear acquisition and expansion inside the US, who was also a Rosatom director, was complicit in the corruption, and indicted in 2014 for extortion, bribery, money laundering and kickbacks. The FBI director, who knew of the corrupting actions of the Russians, was Robert Mueller. Andrew Weissmann oversaw the FBI mole who gathered the evidence which lead to the arrests. The investigation was supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe (whose wife received 700,00$ from good Clinton friend Terri McAuliffe). Attorney General Eric Holder was among the officials on CFIUS when this deal was approved. This information was either ignored by or withheld from CFIUS- most likely the former.

Some of this Uranium production was send out of the US via Canada to unknown destinations. This is now being investigated anew by the DoJ, as per order of Sessions.

Meanwhile, Giustra bundles a big gift from the some of the Russian Oligarchs involved in the deal, and funnels it to the Clinton Foundation. Bill gets a personal reception by Putin at the Kremlin, and a ½ million dollar speaking fee for a 45-minute lecture-- from the bank which funded the Uranium deal. The CF is also now being investigated by the Feds.
Meanwhile, Sec Clinton is using an unsecured server in her home basement for above-classified State Dept emails, many of which end up, alongside kiddy porn, on Anthony Wieners laptop, because Huma Abedin is Clinton’s personal secretary. The Clinton server somehow is missing 33,000 emails (deleted using BleachBit software), and as this is being investigated, Clinton is destroying hard drives and blackberries with a hammer in her home. One wonders what is so damning to the Clintons that this action is required. (Perhaps related to the misinformation surrounding the Benghazi affair that Clinton was circulating?). Andrew McCabe is leading the investigation.

As the FBI is looking into the use of Sec Clinton’s unsecured server, Bill Clinton meets with Attorney General Lynch on the tarmac to talk about grandkids. Shortly thereafter, FBI director Comey is told to downgrade the investigation of Clinton, and later he absolves her of any criminal activity. Peter Strozk leads the interviews which led to the downgraded language, which was written before the investigation was finished. Now it comes to light that other edits were made to the final release, all of which lessened the culpability of Clinton’s misuse of the server- two months before the investigation was complete. One reason for the exoneration is that classified messages using the unsecured served were exchanged with POTUS.

Meanwhile, Sec Clinton is leading opposition in the Obama administration to the Magnitsky Act, which penalizes Putin allies for the killing of a Russian Journalist by placing sanctions on them and their businesses. Fusion GPS and the Podesta group are hired to lobby for the repeal of this act. John Podesta soon becomes the Chairman of the Clinton election campaign. Tony Podesta recently retired from the PG.

Shortly afterwards, now candidate Clinton illegally funnels DNC and Clinton Campaign money- labeled ‘lawyers fees’ in the books- through her DC lawyer, Perkins Coie, to fund a oppo research document via Fusion GPS (Marc Elias did the actual hiring), who contracted a British ex-spook Chris Steele to come up with dirt on Trump. A salacious and unverified (Comey’s characterization) document is created and distributed around DC and leaked to the press corps, many of whom refused to publish it. This same document, it is suspected, results in FISA wiretaps being requested by the FBI (and approved) on Trump and his team. It is alleged that Strozk brought the request before FISA. Fusion is now accused of paying journalists to run with the Steele doc, and colluding with the FBI to create the final product. It is alleged that James Baker, top lawyer for the FBI (who helped re-work the wording of Comey’s Clinton non- indictment), leaked the Steele Dossier to journalist David Corn of Mother Earth, in violation of law. He is now removed from his role in the FBI.

In these same days, Strozk wrote to his mistress, Lisa Page (also a lawyer working for the FBI on the Russian collusion story, and the Clinton stuff), stating that he wanted ‘insurance’ against Trump’s presidency. Clinton swore she did not know the funding source of the Steele Doc, a claim she later admitted was untrue.

Meanwhile, back on the campaign timeline, John Podesta is phished, and his emails are hacked. A DNC server is infiltrated, and emails leaked to Wikileaks. Evidence points to an inside job, confirmed by Assange, who vociferously denies Russian sourcing. Soon after, a DNC insider, Seth Rich, is murdered in a robbery where the robbers stole nothing. The hacked server is never inspected by the FBI. The DNC-hired firm, Crowdstrike, (funded by Google, whose CEO, Eric Schmidt, was a key person in the Clinton Campaign, and who recently resigned as CEO) concluded that the Russians did it, which then forms the basis for the Russian-stealing-the-election narrative. This is after the Clinton campaign takes over the administrative functions of the DNC, as Donna Brazile has shown.

Meanwhile, working alongside Fusion on the lobbing campaign against the Magnitsky Act is one lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya. She arraigned a meeting with Trump Jr, at which she presses him on the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. Jr does not bite, and walks away from the meeting, calling it a waste of time. Veselnitskaya meets with Fusion co-founder Glen Simpson just before and after that meeting.

Meanwhile, Clinton loses the election. Obama appointees at the FBI and Dept of Justice, who are shown to have a visceral hatred of Trump, are part of the investigation of Trump, and playing down the Clinton allegations. Trump’s telephone calls with foreign heads of state are leaked to the press. The MSM, some members of congress, and the FBI are now going full steam into an investigation of Trump for Russian collusion, despite lack of evidence. This investigation finds people who were briefly in the Trump administration guilty of things that happened well prior to the campaign, or irrelevant to the Russian collusion narrative. AS no collusion has been found, the charges against Trump morph into Obstruction of Justice: another claim for which there is no evidence.

Mueller’s team is shown to be filled with anti-Trump democratic donors, including Strzok and Weissmann (and Ms. Rhee). A DoJ official working with Mueller, Bruce Ohr was recently demoted for his connections to the Steele Dossier and Glenn Simpson, whose wife was working on a Russia file for Fusion. Congressional committee heads are pissed off….
Nunes, Gowdy, Goodlatte and Grassley are now leading Congressional investigations into the Clinton (email and Clinton Foundation)/Steel Dossier/FISA stuff. Horowitz, the DoJ Inspector General is digging. Meuller’s team is becoming increasingly compromised by indications of obfuscation and lack of cooperation with the Congressional committees. It is time to drain the swamp.

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