Rock climing in Turkey!

Close to the city of Antalya lies the little town "Geyikbayiri", discovered as a sport climbing area about 20 years ago by Turkish climber Öztürk Kayıkcı. The first time I went there in 2015 I was blown away by the quality and the sheer number of developed routes, their accesability and the area in general...


Getting there by public transport is not super easy though: There is a bus about 3 times a day, which drops you off about 7km away from the camping grounds at Akdamlar village. On Sundays there is an amazing farmers market there, where we bought fresh vegetables, nuts and fruit:


Hitchhiking from there to the camping grounds was easy enough...and the walls started right next to our tent!


From the camping sites all of the climbing areas are less then a 30 minute walk away, hundreds of Limestone routes waiting to be climbed! From loads of tufas, slabs to steep climbing in the caves many possibilities to satisfy our addiction for climbing :)




On our rest day we hiked up to a nearby ruin of an ancient city. This site is not touristy at all (yet), so exploring the ruins was highly enjoyable!


If anyone can translate this writing for me, he definitely deserves an upsteem ;)


On the way back down I helped an old Turkish man who struggled getting his motor bike over some rocks on the path, so he gave us some mountain herbs he had been collecting as a thank-you-gift! We couldn't really communicate very well because of the language barrier, but later we figured out, that those herbs are used for making tea...and this tea did taste very nice!

After several days of climbing, skin on my hands suffered quite a lot, so having to return home didn't feel too bad...
All in all a great climbing destination for the colder seasons!

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