An Inconvenient Hoax: Study Finds Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published [global average surface temperature (GAST)] data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

So these "scientists" I'd prefer to call them government shills basically fudge the numbers and It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. You see Noaa and NASA would adjust temperate readings that looked like errors which makes perfect sense right, you don't want faulty temperature gauges screwing up you data sets.

One problem with what they did. When they adjusted they almost always adjusted the temperature readings to be higher than what was shown. Clearly some of the false reading should have been adjusted lower. They all can't be reading the temps cooler than normal. That's a big red flag that something stinks.

What's really interesting is if you throw out all these adjusted temperatures. Which means you still have a bunch of accurate data left and if you just look at the data with these adjustments thrown out all the warming trends for the last 20 or 30 years disappears.

Clearly some funny business going on at these government departments.

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