Sara Westall interview with Clif High - August 18, 2017 - "Secrets Revealed as Government Collapse/Restructuring Takes Place" Part I

This was a very inspirational podcast. A lot of good points and details were brought up talking about the grand process we are in the midst of right now, that being that everything centralized is breaking down and being replaced with the decentralized peer-to-peer model. In this process, blockchain technology plays is a part of the framework of this new structure of interaction, of which crypto tokens and currencies are a component of it. [To be a part of this trend right now, just as it's starting to make further penetration into our lives is an exciting time, and the potential for all the avenues this technology can go into seems limitless.]

Sara and Clif also cover energy changes tied to solar activity (or lack thereof,) quantum physics, and more. A good listen.

As always, do your research, use your discernment, and seek to find your truth.


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