Quick thoughts on Steemit for Newbies...

Hello my friends,

Listen to me Newbies or Wannabes… do not give up too easily, this is the beginning of a new era, and you need to know about it and even better?  Be in it!

Do you say to yourself… <...but it all seems too complicated for me…> 
Stuck in the Rut? No Time to even sniff around for an Escape?
This is Exactly Where the Powers-That-Be Want You to Be !

Know just a few facts and then decide for yourselves:

  • Steemit itself went live 6 months ago
  • Steemit Blog platform is still in Beta mode
  • Steemit was developed by very experienced and knowledgeable “systems guys” 
  • Steemit is being implemented with more User-Friendly features
    -> it will match and surpass all existing functions in current Social Media platforms - The Steem developers are very savvy in the existing ones, I have already noticed by watching some of their videos ;-)
  • Steemit is built on Blockchain technology (look up definition and applications in my other post)
  • Steemit is already exploding with Creative people
    -> talent, work, and contribution to the Global Community is being rewarded
  • Steemit catapults anyone into the new Global Internet of sharing, commenting, following, curating, watching, posting, sharing "freely without filters" and Big Eyes from the great big giants of "Free-in- Exchange" for your Data and Privacy
  • Steemit has already inspired a number of Application Developers
    -> bridges are being built to Steemit to enhance the user experience
  • Steemit gives Anyone an opportunity to Join into this Global Revolution NOW while it is in its infancy

All of the above and for reference, notice I do not even mention the dirty word; 
The one that brought to an End…  ALL of the previous Advanced Cultures and Civilisations… G R E E D !

All of the above and Access to the New Global Digital Blockchain System Based Technology. Have you read about it yet?  If not do it and be ready to be amazed… Communities, Sustainability, Free Markets, Culture and Cultures, Truths and Revealed Secrets, Great Photography, Political memes to be shared, Global Politics, and the like.

The Future is Opening Up and Staying-Put might just mean “you are missing out on new the New Opportunities it offers…. Democratically… so"
Anyone With 
-> Access to Internet 
-> A text-enabled telephone

Can join the New Global Community Now
-> For FREE
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