The secret of fulfillment of desires

On the eve of New year everyone wants something magical, interesting, inspiring.
Here I am succumbing to this pleasant anticipation, I decided to share with you a few thoughts about magic.
The fact that our thoughts affect our body is already and students know. Just think of a sour lemon in your mouth as enhanced salivation. Lemon, there is only the thought of it, and drooling is real.
Similarly, the scary, anxious thoughts can really Deplete a person's. No real danger, but the man thinks, and draws in the head of the scary images, and the body, in obedience, releases cortisol and adrenaline - hence the narrowing of blood vessels, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating.
It turns out that within our inner world of mind (thought) controls the matter (body).
What is happening in the outside world?
Everyone is probably familiar with this phenomenon: think about a person you haven't spoken to him, and here he somehow shows up in your life, call or meet on the street or in I've always wondered what comes first? This is because I thought about it and there, catching the signal, responded - or is there remembered me, and I in turn, catching the signal, I thought about this person?
I have clients who live in different cities around the world. And once one client didn't call for three months, and it was good, and I about it already thought. And then one night I remembered it and began to think how she's doing, is everything OK with her? The next day she called and said she really wanted to reach yesterday, but it was not possible, and that she spent the whole evening thinking about me (at that time I remembered about it). And it's my life it happens so often that it is not a coincidence.
Why do I mention it in the Christmas topic?
Yes, because in the eve of New year people make a wish,
and since we make them, we would like to pass.
So do our thoughts to the world?
Quantum physics says it is.
In one of its interpretations, the universe is created by the observer, that is us. Everything is a wave. The whole world is a wave. But it should appear to the observer, and the waves begin to transform into matter. And at the micro level is a many times proven fact. You just think about. Isn't it magic?
Interesting, but what about at the macro level?
For anybody not a secret that people are lucky or fortunate who have often fulfilled their desires. They make something, and it almost immediately turns. This phenomenon is noticed by people for a long time. It used to explain religious beliefs aid of the devil or the angel, and at this stage, we explain a special type of nervous system and special perception of the world.
And though science does not recognize the phenomenon of good luck, but the scientists themselves are actively using it. Give an example of the academician the Queen. He sent Gagarin into space, because they saw in it the signs of luck. If we are now beginning to understand all the "why Gagarin and not Titov?", you would be surprised that Titov was much more likely to be the first astronaut. But he was too serious, but for the Queen it was a sign of "nefariously".
Later, the academician chosen and the first woman Kosmonavtika, too focusing on her character. Choosing from a hundred healthy young women, he was looking for the one that possessed the qualities of lucky.
Korolev, though, was a learned scholar, but believed in luck. There is a story that once in the times of repressions he was sent from one camp to another in the cold -30. Hungry, barely moving from the cold, he fell and thought I will die, as we saw in the snow a hot loaf of bread that saved his life.
I noticed that many people believe in something magical, but won't admit it, because it is not scientific. Anecdote in the topic:
— Professor, You are such a respected scientist — do You believe in this nonsense that the horseshoe brings happiness?
— No, of course not. But they say that the horseshoe brings happiness, even if you don't believe it.
So what qualities help to grant wishes? I have analyzed several well-known I the lucky, and that's what they all have in common:
the absence of fear and anxiety;
the lack of affection, independence from objects and people, such people are easily parted with people and things;
increased background mood, wide-open, burning eyes, broad smile;
the speed and sweeping movements;
lack of subordination, for they are all equal;
the ease of establishing contact with any person;
optimistic, easy-going, carefree attitude to life.
According to mystics and esoteric, one of the simplest and most effective ways of getting something - it's something you strongly want and then let go, to forget.
The recipe seems simple, but it is not everyone can. The main difficulty is then to let go and forget what you want. How so, if I have something you want badly, that I long want until you get it. And then to let go and forget...
But people who are naturally lucky - in life they easily and quickly forget: people and rules, and their debts to someone. Such people can be the most loyal friends and responsible employees, but luck far exceeds their shortcomings.
Maybe you even noticed that cinema often applies to this type of Ivan the fool. In life they behave irresponsibly by breaking the rules, but when it comes time to save the world, what they do (Crew, 2016, kung fu Panda).
Result own example that happened to me a month ago.
On the way to work I heard on the radio that we have come to the city famous contemporary writer, TV presenter and a very interesting person. And at 17:00 in one of the shopping center with it will be an open meeting. I thought, sorry, that won't fall, because at this time I will have advice, as I would like, but Oh well (want to go).
And here at 16:00 I receive SMS that the client force majeure and she will not be able to come for a consultation. So I have an hour and a half window between consultations. To me, the Mall fifteen minutes away, that is half an hour on the road and almost another hour to chat with an interesting person to me. I sat in the car and twenty minutes later was looking at my favorite character.
This woman of enormous energy and plus the fact that I have it all wrong, put me into a state of courage, excitement. Then a girl came up and asked me if I wanted to participate in a raffle of books, simply on the sheet to write your name and phone number. I usually don't win the lottery, but the coupon is filled out, it's not difficult, and for free (wanted to win and were released).
I stood there and just enjoyed this dropped me the opportunity to see her live, her ability to communicate with people on her charm. Before I had to leave the event, it was ten minutes, and then the heroine says: and let's draw. Runs his hand in his bag and says my name.
Miracles. The book is in gift with the autograph and wishes, a kiss from his beloved heroine, and then it turned out that she is also a phone number I wrote in the book. The room had a lot of friends, they have made some of our photos and sent me to you, this evening I was real lucky.
This for me was a good lesson. Now I know how wishes come true.
Certainly, to reproduce all it's not easy, but we know what to strive for.
In General, the rules are:
Make a wish have in a particular state.
Not out of indigence, fear, anxiety and the state of prosperity, interest and contentment.
With thoughts of how wonderful it will be if I get it, and the absolute lack of any concern about what can it does get.
You have a nice fulfillment of desires.

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