What the hell is going on?

I have to say,"What the hell is going on?" What is this nonsense about a civil war? Fight citizens that are getting screwed just as much as I am? This makes no sense. If it is about the current President, allow me to say, nothing has changed. Since Pappa Bush, Clinton, Jr Bush and finally Obama, we are doing the same old same old. Nothing has changed. Job rates might be better but working for the reduced rates the corporations have us toil for, really is not anything better. However if anyone that supports the current puppet is a reason for someone's anger then what is the difference when the puppet Obama was in office would it have been acceptable to incite such nonsense back then? I think not. America "claims" to be about freedom and when the people who are given those rights want to deny others that very same right is lunacy. It's business as usual in that make believe office. The presidents do as they are told since JFK. JFK was the last real president and that also goes for the great "Regan" era as well. With the stock market junk bonds the Iran contra debacle, it is business as usual, for the over a half of century. Killing off each other for reasons of what puppet is sitting in the oval office is well fucking retarded. There is no other way to put it. The banks are the ones we need to have a war against. They are the ones that Obama gave trillions to while the banks in return took people's homes away that they themselves financed. They knew god damn good and well that those people earning minimum wage or slightly higher couldn't pay mortgages for 300 to 400 thousand dollar homes. They made the bad loans but well we got screwed again, why because much of like the majority of Obamas cabinet consisted of Citibank management he was and is controlled by the real enemy, the banks. If you doubt a single work I have said in this concerned rant then check my facts let me know who the real enemy is. Thank you and peace to all no matter if you buy into the two party American free society bullshit or you see through the shit screen and media lie. I wish peace and wisdom to all. Love and light

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