☁My "million dollar photo" was published on one of the biggest european⚡weather websites☁

First of all

I'm happy as ... It's hard to describe.😋This week was crazy. We didn't have luck to catch a supercell, but instead we did get some amazing lightning show.
I must thanks Clemens Humeniuk ( https://www.ch-photography.at/ ), who has allowed me to take part on his chases in Austria ( Bro, thank you one more time ). Marko Korošec (role model), with which I made contact and since then, he inspired me to go and shot more and better SW (severe weather) photos. Thank you, bro.

You don't know ,who Marko is? This guy, lives his dreams 👍 Check his website! http://www.markokorosec.net/

Now the story

Aug 8th, was a strange day. We had several big storm around us and some cells, but we didn't pick up any of them. Yes, this things happen more often than you think. We made some nice photos, but nothing special. As we come home, another big storm was coming into the city.
I decided, to stay at home and make the photo, that I wanted for a long time. Yes, this is the view from my window on the city of Gratkorn, Gratwein and Judendorf-Straßengel. I imagine the photo, how it should look like... but what I captured "Blow my mind"

( Raw. and jpg. photo is for sale )
Cam: Sony a6000
Lens: Sony 16mm-50mm
Set: F4.5/ shutter 20 / Iso 400

Bummm.....I got my 😍photo😍. You can see the lightning illuminates the whole city in lovely colors. I immediately edit the photo and send it to Severe Weather Europe (SWE). http://www.severe-weather.eu/
The next day, my photo was published 😱 on there Fb site, such and honor. 😍 Thank you, SWE!


I hope you enjoy the photo and If you are excited to see more amazing footage, don't forget to follow me👍
Yours truly, @marjanko

All your support, will go for buying a new lens for weather photography, so I could bring you better photos and videos.

If you need infos about storm chasing , just contact me, do not be shy.

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