The landmarks of the city 城市的地标


Dear friends, thanks for @juliank hold the photography contest everyday. Today I will share this photograph with you. I took it in Hope Square. It is the landmark of the city center of Dalian .

Opposite it is Dalian Labour park . on that day , I changed bus here to Xinghai park. When I wait for the bus , I took the photo with my phone ,it is so tall , but I don’t know how many stories it really has , maybe 50? But I am sure it is the tallest building here.


Oposite is the birch forest in the Labour park. I also took the photo of the forest . they formed a beautiful view in the city center .

Here is another landmark in Xinghai Square. It is not finished . There are many tall buildings around Xinghai park. I appreciate these tall buildings , because behind them I saw the rise of the city. It is taking a new posture to meet the challenges of the world.. It is becoming the world’s class urban city .

新地标 3.jpg

But behind the cold building , I want to say, we need more the construction of spiritual culture, I hope that when our city is becoming much higher, much larger , and much nobler , we should pay more attention to the development of spiritual culture . Only in this way can the city develop better. People can also benefit from the rapid development of the city.



Thanks for your reading and hope you like it .

感谢@juliank 举办的每日摄影大赛,让我有机会展示我拍的照片。今天跟大家分享的是我拍的城市地标性建筑,我觉得可以属于城市景观也可以是建筑摄影。

一个是希望广场的希望大厦,它美丽壮观,屹立于城市中心, 是大连青泥洼桥一带的地标性建筑,看到了它,就向看到了方向。对面是劳动公园,大连最大的劳动公园,我之前也有文章介绍过。恰巧,希望大厦的对面就是劳动公园的白桦林。笔直,俊美的树干直指蓝天,我一样也没有放过它们,成为了我手机里美丽的图片。

之后从这里换车去星海广场,下车之后没想到对面看到了还未竣工的又一个高大建筑,比周围其他的都高,我想这是未来的星海广场地标性建筑吧,因为它就在百年城后面。这些建筑,高大,靓丽, 给城市增添了又一道风景,也标志着大连在走向世界,向着世界的大都市进军。但我想说,冰冷的建筑后面,更需要精神文化的建设,希望我们的城市高,大,尚的同时,更富有文化的内涵。只有这样,城市才能更好的发展。人们也能从城市的快速发展中得到福利。


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